SheCodes Workshops Reviews | SheCodes

SheCodes Coding Workshop Reviews

What Alumni think of SheCodes

SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women. SheCodes Workshops are hands-on, self-paced and 100% online.

Based on 220,720 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
SheCodes workshops are highly recommended by 200,000+ women, including employees from these companies:
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

SheCodes provides a great introduction of the 101 of coding life in a fun and relax environment. At every step you just feel this unknown need of wanting to know more, to do more and see what you will be able to do next 😎

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

I had zero experience in programming before starting the SheCodes workshop. I wanted to challenge myself and learn a new skill. I also thought it would be beneficial for my job, as I work at a software vendor company as a Recruiter and I wanted to gather more knowledge about the job of a Developer. I enjoyed the course immensely! The structure and the provided guidance made it a fun experience to get the first insights into programming. I now have much better understanding of many concepts in programming and can do some basic operations in CSS, HTML and JS.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

It's an amazing opportunity to find out how to work with code languages, to discover new opportunities and to acquire new skills. I had so much fun learning about FrontEnd at this Workshop, that I definitely recommend this to every women willing to dive into this world of technology for life. I'm an architect and urban planner, far away from computer machines or coding, but I think it's vital for everyone to learn at least the basics of it if we want to go with the flow and not to sink.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

The Workshop was very fun! Learned so much. This was an experience for life for sure. Will never forget it. The teacher and all the girls were all very nice and everyone helped eachother.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

SheCodes allowed me to learn the basics about front-end developing in a fun and inspiring environment. Having no previous coding experience I never though that I would be able to create a landing page after just 2 days - but I did and I am already eager to keep developing my skills.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

Being at SheCodes workshop and finishing my final task was an awesome experience. I acquire new knowledge that i believe will help me reach my full potential as an instructional designer. This was all possible with the help of SheCodes incredible team! Overall the workshop definitely got me excited to invest in my programming skills, it was scary but fun!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

If you want to actually learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript basics - take this course with Matt. After taking a bunch of other courses in-person and online, this is the only one where I truly felt that I understood everything. My goal was to have functional knowledge of Javascript basics, and I definitely gained those skills. I'm very excited to take the next step in learning more so I can make my designs and illustrations come to life.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

It was a very challenging weekend but very fun and interactive. No doubt the right way to learn to program!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

It was a very challenging weekend, but the knowledge and friendships made everything simpler. SheCodes has made learning easy and fun, thanks!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

SheCodes is providing women with a great opportunity to have a front end development crash course. It's been a fun weekend!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

Being a part of the SheCodes weekend workshop was a way to test myself on whether or not i was passionate enough about programming to actually learn to code. I'm very glad i took that bold step because it has cemented my decision to take on the challenge to learn programming languages and given me a new purpose, which is to build a career in tech. It's validated for me that I can do it, and have fun doing it too! I am genuinely excited about learning even more and for the first time in a long time, i'm looking forward to classes. I got to meet a lot of amazing new people and made new friends. Thank you "SheCodes team" for putting together a great workshop.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

I was surprised how much I learned within a short period of time. It was so much fun too. The course made me feel more secure within working as a coder"beginner".

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

My 1st ever experience with coding was about 20 years ago or so! Do you remember Geocities, at Yahoo? I remember I created a very rudimentary website with HTML there. Since then, my academic and working career has had nothing to do with coding at all. Lately I have become more interested at coding since I love learning new things and this workshop has been a nice challenge for me. It has also allowed me to explore my creativity and think about personal future projects. And definitely, it is an opportunity if you consider to change career. SheCodes allows you to take part in affordable fun workshops.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

I'd already had some contact with coding during college, but this really helped to refresh my memories and to learn new things. The workshop and the final project was loads of fun! I loved meeting everyone and coding together!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated almost 5 years ago

SheCodes was the perfect environment for me to learn the basics of programming and discover how fun it can be. This workshop exposes you to the front-end development and is challenging enough to make you really learn the concepts and apply them. A big thanks to Matt and the whole team that helped us over the weekend. Definitely worthy!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

I never thought to be able to code. With SheCodes I learned in only one weekend how it functions !easy! and when you start, you want more & more & more 🤩 I am used to be a manager, and SheCodes opens a lot of opportunities for new challenges 😁I will continue with SheCodes+ and I am highly motivated to learn more 🤓 A big THANKS to SheCodes Team - I really enjoyed the two days with you all!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

Coding was "out of this world" to me! In just one(very intense) weekend, Matt was able to teach me in such a way that I was able to come up with a final project that I'm proud of. This quick course gave me access to tools that I was totally unaware of. Thanks! Coding turned out to be really fun! 😊😃👍

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

I really enjoyed the class we had at SheCodes! Mat is a great teacher and made it a lot of fun. I've learned more than I thought it would be possible in just 2 days, and I highly recommend the course.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

I loved SheCodes and I would absolutely recommend it to my friends and peers! I have so much fun coding and I'm sure everyone will after one of these courses!

Coding Workshops for Women

What Alumni think of SheCodes

220,720 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

I feel like I've learned so much in only one weekend. Matt taught the fundamentals of coding in such an easy and interactive way. Had a really great time, highly recommend it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

SheCodes was a great experience. Matt is such a good, patient teacher; he constructed the whole workshop in a very fun and engaging way. I'd definitely recommend this workshop to any woman with a weekend to spare and some curiosity about this male dominated area. For my part, I can say that SheCodes planted the "coding seed" in me, and I'll be looking into learning more!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

SheCodes was an insightful experience and a great opportunity to get to know how to become a programmer/coder/developer. We covered many topics and got a taste of how to create something of our own from scratch, which was exciting. For all ladies out there, come, learn, enjoy, and get your hands-on. It's FUN!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

SheCodes was the perfect course for me to learn Web Development in the best possible way. It was intense, dynamic, fun and challenging. I loved every bit of it, and I am looking forward to working on development, for coding is what has made me happy. Thank you, SheCodes Plus!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

Honestly, this workshop is amazing! It helps women to see new opportunities in their career, I’ve never seen so many happy and motivated students, every part of the workshop was fun and interesting. For almost 10 years I worked as a Public Relation manager in Russia and I didn’t have any experience in coding. I’ve visited a lot of courses and classes, but this workshop changed my professional life completely, after 4 weeks of such an intensive program I feel more confident in communication with my IT colleagues. I opened a new "Coding World" for myself. I highly recommend SheCodes Live Workshop!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

After 3 challenging weeks I can proudly say that coding isn’t a mystery for me anymore! It is in fact, a fun way to understand as to create new things! Programming will always be an ongoing learning journey and I’m really thankful that I was able to start it on this amazing workshop!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

SheCodes was a wonderful experience! In only 2 days, it teaches the foundations of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It's an intense workshop with practical exercises where the participants can put to test their new knowledge and skills. It was easy to learn and fun at the same time. I highly recommend it to people who want to start delving into the field of coding and programming.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

When I started searching for the best way to learn coding I never thought I would come across SheCodes. Matt is so inspiring and teaches us the fundamentals os coding in such an interactive and fun way. Thank you to the SheCodes team for all your help. This course really broaden up new career paths.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

I struggled a bit to learn HTML and CSS online, and now I know that as a beginner the classroom format is definitely the most suitable way of navigating the coding world! It was an amazing experience, and it made me even more curious about the potential of coding. And I really hope more and more women join, we all had so much fun!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

SheCodes made learning how to code not only easy, but also super fun! It was a very challenging weekend, but the knowledge acquired is essential for those who want to learn a bit more in this field.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

It was very easy and fun to learn about coding. It was an amazing experience!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

This highly intense weekend was also a tremendously fun way to learn the basics of coding. Besides being a very in-demand skill, knowing how to code is becoming more and more important for understanding the world around us. The SheCodes workshop gives a wide perspective of what we can do with code and what it can do for us, which makes it an amazing learning experience for a beginner. I think that anyone could benefit from this workshop, so I highly recommend trying it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

I have learned a lot and it is much easier to learn than online. It was a fun weekend, full of new information. I think SheCodes is a great ideia and I hope they continue this project with more and more successful ideas.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

This was such an intense but at the same time fun weekend! It is amazing to see how much we learned during the workshop; highly recommend to everyone who has an interest!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

It was a great experience, I learned in a fun, dynamic and relaxed way. I have now more skills for sure and it will also get me a better understanding of my IT colleagues at work.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

SheCodes makes coding a lot fun and interesting. It was a great experience, definitely recommend it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

I was so curious about this workshop and it just exceeded my expectations! It was plenty of knowledge in a funny way. I really appreciated it and recommend it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 years ago

The workshop was very cool. Not only you learn how to code in three different languages, but you also learn the appropriate terminology, a little bit of the history behind coding, resources coders use, and how it is to work in the world of code. Also, Matt is a good lecturer - he's honest, funny, knows what to say in order for you to understand what you are doing and puts up exercises for you to practice what you learned. I definitely recommend it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

We learned, we had fun, we coded and saw it happening. I've been interested in learning how to code since I can remember. SheCodes was the perfect opportunity! Now, I know a tiny bit of this whole new world I want to discover. Coding is, for sure, something I'd like to maintain in my career. Thank you, Matt! Thank you, SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It is one thing to learn coding at home and another to walk down the road alongside many other like-minded people. It was educational and, most importantly, a fun experience. Is isn't easy for first timers, however, but will serve to gauge of our interest to further pursue coding. In my case, it was a resounding "yes!". Highly recommended for all who are curious about programming or wish to partake in a field in great demand.

Coding Workshops for Women

What Alumni think of SheCodes

220,720 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes was a very fun and insightful experience! It allowed me to scratch the surface of an immense world that I deal with everyday but had no idea how it was created and maintained. Definitely left the desire to dig in and learn more.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I never imagined that I could spend a weekend motivated to learn code. But, guess what? It was an amazing experience. With this course I was able to have a wide perspective of what code can do for us and what we can do with code. I highly recommend it to every woman who is now thinking: "I can´t code, it's so difficult!". My advice to you is give it a try and you'll surprise yourself. Thanks SheCodes, it was so fun!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I chose to attend SheCodes because I wanted to learn more about code, especially JavaScript and was having a tough time doing it by myself. When the weekend was over I was really excited and I can say for sure it was totally worth it. It was very dynamic, fun and super informative. Everyone is incredibly nice and helpful. I totally recommend it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

The SheCodes workshop is surely the best 101 on how to code for those who think coding is the hardest, unattainable thing to do. And although I thought these two days would only show me how to work more efficiently with developers, the truth is now I see coding as a fun hobby to pursue (or even a new career choice in the future).

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

Uauu! Coding is so easily, fun and I loved learn it... I recommend every woman to try this experience. Thanks one more time for this first meeting!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

Come to SheCodes without any fear. It is made for those that never had any contact with coding and for those with some experience. In the end you will know what it is, and at least how it works HTML, CSS and Javascript. It's a fast pace weekend, spent with a lot of minds trying to learn, and a lot of fun. There are a lot of exercises to be done, but also a lot of information about these new world, that I for sure, after these great weekend, want to learn more! Thank you to Matt, all the team behind SheCodes and all the girls in the workshop!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

My decision to sign up for this course was 100% right. I wanted to try if coding was a good option for me, and it definitely helped me a lot since I’ve been able to get to know how simple and fun coding can be. Matt was great, the workshop is very intense, and it helped to figure it out what kind of developers we want to become.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I came to this workshop with a little bit of fear inside my heart, doubting I'd be able to go through it, since coding always seemed like such an unattainable task. After SheCodes I can say that everything changed. Matt was amazing and was able to teach us with great aptitude and talent and the course is great at introducing us to the basics. I left the workshop uplifted and with a new goal in my life: to keep learning how to code, because it is fun and challenging! I recommend this to anyone, but especially to those that feel that programming is not for you. SheCodes will change your mind!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I am very grateful for this coding course! Without it, I wouldn't have known that I am actually good at it and that it is actually a lot of fun! It will definitely open new doors for my career! Thank you Mat!

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

Great workshop even for those who are just curious about what's behind the computer screen (like me). Matt's thoughts about today's technological revolution and his teaching methods were great. It was fun to get out of my comfort zone and check out a different field from the one I work in.

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60-minute FREE Coding Class for Beginners

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes was such an incredible way to join both knowledge and fun! During the workshop, I was able to discover the world of code and web development, which will, for sure, be useful to me as a future manager. Also, Matt was always willing to help and motivate us, which was useful for the process of learning. At this point, I'm really looking forward to exploring this new world!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It was a really fun and intense adventure in the coding world with some amazing and inspiring woman! It is a really good opportunity for those who want to try programming - but be careful - it can be addictive! The way Matt gives the workshop is also amazing - it is a mixture of badass coding and some real insights about the programming world. Thanks for demystifying coding and showing us that we can actually do it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes allowed me not only to learn but also to get practical insights and perspectives on how to pursue a career in the field of front-end logic. It was two days of intensive learning, constant fun in an easy-going and comfortable environment - that’s how learning should always be! Can’t wait for SheCodes Plus!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It was a super intense and successful weekend! I never expected to be able to do so much within such a short time. The group was great and the general athmosphere was very motivating! Thanks for the fun weekend!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes was my first contact with programming world and it is amazing how fast we can learn and start coding! In just two days, I have started programming and I'm in love! I totally recommend if you want to learn some new skills, become developer or product/project manager. It was intensive but Matt is an amazing teacher, you will practice all weekend and there are lot of people to help you in the process. Get ready to have a lot of fun too!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes was an amazing experience! It reminded me how code can be so much fun! I will definitely recommend it 😃

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes Plus has been amazing. In such a short period of time, I had the chance to adquire technical knowledge and valuable coding skills. It has been challenging, but with a high satisfaction return when putting together all I learnt and making my first web app working! Lessons were always stimulating and, together with the enthusiasm shared by the other girls, always fun! Thanks a lot for everything!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

She Codes was an awesome experience! With a fast-paced induction into HTML, CSS and JavaScript it was amazing to feel like I was able to create a landing page from scratch in just a few hours. If coding seems way too much for you, Matt will help you feel motivated and empowered throughout this really fun weekend!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I highly recommend She Codes to all the women that are curious about coding and the tech industry in general! It was a very fun and fulfilling weekend, where I enjoyed the insights given by Matt about front-end development and basic (good!) coding practices, product design and product management - and also how to understand and talk to developers!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It was an amazing weekend, totally worth it. Made all the difference to me in this learning journey, where at the end everything connected. It was so much fun! Besides coding, I had the opportunity of meeting amazing women from all background! Thank you Matt! :)

Coding Workshops for Women

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220,720 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

My experience with She Codes was amazing! I was able to learn a lot about the basics of coding, and only in two very full days! It was intense, but the challenge was incredible! As a marketing analyst, very interested in site performance and analytics, it gave me the chance to better understand the coder's perspective! Matt is a great teacher, and very funny! I totally recommend this course to any woman who wants to became a developer!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

She Codes offers two fun and full days of coding introduction. It's definitely a nice way to understand how to start diving into this world. If you know nothing about coding, go for it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I really enjoyed learning to code in the fast-paced but fun environment of SheCodes. Coding skills are valuable in a wide variety of positions and anyone could benefit from a course like this. I look forward to putting my skills to use!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

My name is Maria Carolina and I am a master's student in management. I joined She Codes, first in the online session and was soon captivated. I joined the next live event and the experience was gratifying. I had no experience with programming languages ​​and I feel that I learned the basics in a fun and didactic way. In the end I did a project about one of my passions where I put everything I learned into action, proving to myself that it is possible to learn the basics in one weekend. I think it's a great opportunity for all women who have an interest in this area.Matt is a great and fun teacher, I would really recommend it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

We have the opportunity to learn a lot in just 2 days! In workshop we also had moments of hard work along with fun time breaks. At the end this experience makes us feel really proud of building a web page from scratch and I would definitely recommend this course!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I didn't know that Web Development could be so much fun, but She Codes made for me a very exciting introduction to it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It was a really interesting, hands-on intensive workshop. Not only do you learn in theory but you test everything that you learn. On top of that it is a fun experience! Keep coding :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

she codes was so inspiring, the weekend gave me confidence of a lifetime, that i actually do it. I gained so much knowledge in such a little time,it was quite intense but Matt made the learning easy and fun.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes allowed me to learn the basics of front-end while making it fun! I feel more confident to use coding in my job and more motivated to keep learning on my own!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

Truth be told, I didn't think I'd like coding as much as I did! This weekend-workshop is a great way for beginners to open the door to the world of coding. This course has taught me the basics of front end development in such a fun way, I'm keen to learn a lot more!

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60-minute FREE Coding Class for Beginners

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

She Codes helped me to discover and understand a little bit the coding world, but most of all showed me how to fun and interesting it could be! :) I truly recommend She Codes workshop for everyone, not only for the ones that want to be coders.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

She Codes gave me the push I really needed to learn something I have always admired. Now all I want is to learn more, to find out more, to try more. The workshop is fast paced, super fun and if you don't end the two days exhausted but super thrilled, well, maybe coding isn't for you. She Codes is like opening the closet door that leads to Narnia. :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

" I definitely can do this!" I'm so glad that She Codes came here and showed us that coding can be fun too. It was an amazing weekend !! Now I know for sure what I want to do.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

Such a great experience! All women that want to discover more about coding should definitely do the She Codes workshop! It is the best way to take the first step into this incredible world of coding. I ensure anyone will learn a lot and have lots of fun! Matt is the best teacher and his team is amazing!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It was really fun to learn a whole new languages, and a whole unknown path. Can´t wait to learn more.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I highly recommend She Codes! I think that She Codes is a great opportunity to finally learn coding and take a first step into the world of tech. The workshop was very demanding, but still so educational, inspiring and extremely dynamic and practical with an incredible teacher that helped us through every step of the way during all weekend. I never thought I would have so much fun coding! I can't wait to continue the work I began in She Codes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It was the first time where I interacted with code and I totally loved it! It was a very intensive weekend, a lot of shared knowledge, experience and also a lot of fun! Matt is a great teacher, he makes it sound almost easy to learn. I highly recommend She Codes to anyone who feels curious about coding and needs a little push to start.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

When we start by learning alone, we always end up discouraging, and here is when She Codes has more value. I realized that it would be a plus have the opportunity to learn to program with Matt, someone experienced, who directs us and make everything much easier and faster. In addition to being a lot of fun we received the first bases for a great career in this art.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes was an amazing experience, I've learned so much in two days, it's incredible. It's even more surprising because I went in thinking coding was an impossible task for me, but after the workshop I'm ready to admit I was wrong! 👩‍💻 Coding is fun, exciting, challenging and for anyone who loves learning new skills. Give it a try, you might end up loving it 💜

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

A remarkable experience and a remarkable movement. SheCodes is empowering women to open their horizons, to step out of their comfort zone and find their place in this industry. The two-day course was condensed but the right pace to teach us all the fundamentals and also make us eager to learn more and keep on coding! A warm thank you to the wonderful shecodes team!

Coding Workshops for Women

What Alumni think of SheCodes

220,720 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

For sure, She Codes was the most intuitive and straightforward code-themed lessons I've ever had. Despite I've had web design and some other code learning environments back in school, I've never had such a fast and fun way of learning how to code. I can say, truly, that becoming someone between a front-end developer and a screen designer, crossed my mind during these two days at UPTEC. And I must say that creating something specifically for women, especially about something we have pushed away since always, it's an amazing initiative! Keep up the good work!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I'm really happy I chose to spend my weekend with She Codes. It was an intensive workshop for sure, but at the end of it, coding seemed so much fun and approachable. I enjoyed the logic behind it and the unlimited ways of playing around it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It was the first time where I interacted with code and I totally loved it! It was a very intensive weekend, a lot of shared knowledge, experience and also a lot of fun! I am really glad that I decided to spend my time learning the bases of coding with She Codes. For me coding is like playing a game, you just need to see the logic on it and just keep trying until you win! I truly believe that all woman should have contact with technology and most likely with coding. Thank you SheCodes for this experience. 👩‍💻🚀

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes was amazing! It was the perfect introduction to coding, with a very welcoming and patient teacher. I felt like I really gained a good understanding of some coding basics - and it was really fun! The format of the course is great. I definitely learned so much in just one weekend.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

She Codes is a wonderful tool for women who are looking into changing industries. It provides the appropriate insight and allows you to actually understand what you would have to do to make it happen. Also a very fun weekend with the possibility of meeting fantastic people.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I took this workshop not knowing a thing about coding and it turned out to be fun and more exciting than I imagine. Matt is a great teacher, he makes it sound almost easy to learn. I highly recommend She Codes to anyone who feels curious about coding and needs a little push to start.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

First time coding at She Codes but feeling like I could do this forever! Matt makes it look friendly and fun 💫

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

SheCodes opened a new world to me ! It was intense but also a lot of fun. I found the explanations very clear (with a touch of humor!), there was a good balance between theory and exercises, the team very nice and always happy to help. In a few words : Great, inspiring and challenging experience ! Highly recommended !

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I entered the course as a "blank page" in coding and exited with the skills to create working webpages. But even more important - besides the skills I could hear the experiences of working in this industry from a person who is doing it on a daily basis. It was a very motivating and fun experience and I would definitely recommend it to everyone!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

She Codes is an excellent, interesting and funny workshop for all those who want to start in the programming world. It was an intensive weekend to learn code bases in a relaxed way. I strongly recommend it!!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I believe that people like Matt and organizations like SheCodes can really make a difference in this world, making it easier for people to learn about code and how fun it can be when you have the right teachers. My hope is that SheCodes can reach more and more women so that, in the future, this world might be more balanced and we can all leave our mark as equals. Also, it's amazing how much you can learn in one weekend, and how that weekend might have a big influence in your future.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

She Codes workshop was a great way to get in touch with the programming universe. It was hours of immersion and fun, in which I could see the results. There is still a lot to learn and exercise, of course, but I'm already happy with what I could absorb in those 12 hours. Thanks to the team and hope to see you soon!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

Awesome experience!! "She Codes" was a great first contact with the programming world. Very intensive and fun! Highly recommend if you want to start coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

This workshop is the best way to learn the basics of front end programming. It's perfect for those who have never programmed before. Everything is taught in a relaxed and fun way. Just keep in mind that being able to code is a useful skill and if I can do it you can too!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I was very surprised with how much I was able to learn with only two classes! The workshop is very well constructed. Although it´s intensive, Matt can make it extremely easy to understand with his hands-on approach. Thank you! It was a really interesting and fun learning experience.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

This class taught me how fun it was to actually learn the basics of coding techniques.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

Such a great workshop ! I learned a ton in just two days!! It was my first encounter with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and thanks to the SheCodes crew who did a phenomenal job I grasped everything in no time. Who though coding could be so easy and fun ?!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

I strongly recommend She Codes to Functional IT Consultants who want to learn to code and develop new skills. This is a great course for absolute beginners and it's actually a lot of fun!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

This was an intensive yet super fun experience! It was hard to stay inside in a sunny weekend but totally worth it, you'll learn the basics of coding and feel super powerful and excited about the endless possibilities. It definitely sparked my interest in the coding world and I will invest more in this area for sure!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

She Codes is a great way to introduce women into the tech world. After a very intense (but fun) two days’ workshop you will be able to code landing pages which appeared to be difficult at first with no effort. This was a very empowering experience because besides all the tech knowledge we gained, we were also able to exchange ideas and a good time with wonderful women. Totally recommended.

Coding Workshops for Women

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated over 5 years ago

It was a fun and intense experience!