[Python] - Understanding the def Keyword in Python | SheCodes

[Python] - Understanding the def Keyword in Python Functions

Learn what def means in Python and how to create reusable functions.

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what does def mean in python

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Write a program that asks the user for word and prints out how many lowercase z's it contains

👩‍💻 Python Code instructions

Write a program that asks the user word and prints the word with the lowercase letter 'a' replaced by the '@' symbol, and the lowercase letter 'o' replaced by a zero '0'. Your program should work like this: Enter a word: Password P@ssw0rd

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Write a program that asks the user for some text. If the text is all in lowercase, your program should print True. Otherwise it should print False. Your program should work like this: Enter some text: this is all lowercase True

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Asked 5 months ago in Python by Jagadish

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flask code that allows an admin account special privilege's

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Asked 8 months ago in Python by Michaela

Calculate total profit in a dataframe

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Asked 8 months ago in Python by Michaela

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Description Given an n*m matrix, output its absolute matrix. An absolute matrix is defined as a matrix in which each element is the absolute value of the original element in the input matrix. ### Input The first row contains two integers n, m representing the dimensions of the input matrix. In the next N rows, each row has m columns, representing the matrix elements. Each number in the matrix is in the range of -100 to 100. ### Output A matrix whose elements are the absolute value of the original input matrix. This is a so-called absolute matrix.

👩‍💻 Technical question

Asked 9 months ago in Python by Christine

Consider the following Python program. fin = open('words.txt') for line in fin: word = line.strip() print(word) What does the program loop over?

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Edit this code to make it that only a certain UUID is able to ping the bot and get the expected result of a gif @bot.event async def on_message(message): if message.author.bot: # Ignore messages from bots return # Check if the bot is mentioned in the message content if bot.user.mentioned_in(message): gif_url = 'https://media.tenor.com/vqMLLEvwM7YAAAAC/hello-eyeball.gif' # Replace with the direct URL of the GIF you want to reply with embed = discord.Embed() embed.set_image(url=gif_url) await message.reply(embed=embed) await bot.process_commands(message) # Process commands after handling other events

👩‍💻 Technical question

Asked 1 year ago in Python by Marion-Favour

A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. Save the result in the file 102-result Your file should contain the exact result, no new line, no extra space

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Develop a catalog for a company. Assume that this company sells three different Items. The seller can sell individual items or a combination of any two items. A gift pack is a special combination that contains all three items. Here are some special considerations: If a customer purchases individual items, he does not receive any discount. If a customer purchases a combo pack with two unique items, he gets a 10% discount. If the customer purchases a gift pack, he gets a 25% discount. Write a function for the above scenario. Perform the calculations in code wherever applicable. Output: Online Store ——————————————— Product(s) Price Item 1 200.0 Item 2 Item 3 Combo 1 (Item 1 + 2) Combo 2 (Item 2 + 3) Combo 3 (Item 1 + 3) Combo 4 (Item 1 + 2 + 3) —————————————— For delivery contact 98764678899

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The code should do the following. 1. The code should ask the user for a web address and business type. It should then go to the web address and find businesses matching the users input and find any email addresses connected to the business, then put the business name and email address in a google spread sheet.

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print("Welcome to my computer quiz!") playing = input("Do you want to play? ") if playing != "yes": quit() print("Okay! Let's play :)") answer = input("What does CPU stand for? ") if answer == "central processing unit": print('Correct!') else: print("Incorrect!") answer = input("What does GPU stand for?") if answer == "graphics processing unit": print('Correct!') else: print("Incorrect!") answer = input("What does RAM stand for?") if answer == "random access memory": print('Correct!') else: print("Incorrect!") please fix indentations

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