Node.js related coding questions - SheCodes Athena - AI | SheCodes

Node.js related coding questions

👩‍💻 Technical question

what is Node.js

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 2.75 seconds

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code on the server side. This means you can build server applications using JavaScript, which is traditionally a client-side language.

Here's a simple example of a Node.js server:

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const http = require('http'); const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.statusCode = 200; res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end('Hello, World!\n'); }); const PORT = 3000; server.listen(PORT, () => { console.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${PORT}/`); });

In this code, we create a basic web server that responds with "Hello, World!" when accessed. You can run this code using Node.js to see it in action. For more information, you can visit the Node.js website.

👩‍💻 Technical question

what is axios?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 1.39 seconds

Axios is a popular JavaScript library that is used for making HTTP requests from the browser or Node.js. It provides an easy-to-use interface and supports various request methods, including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more. Axios also allows you to handle request and response interceptors, set headers, and handle errors.

You can learn more about Axios and see examples in the official documentation:

👩‍💻 Technical question

what iS NODE.JS

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 0.8 seconds

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser, on server-side environments. Node.js is commonly used for building scalable and efficient web applications and servers. You can find more information about Node.js here.

👩‍💻 Technical question

Asked over 1 year ago in JavaScript by Thokozile Nelisiwe

What is Node.js

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 1.12 seconds

Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it lightweight and efficient for handling concurrent requests. Node.js is commonly used for building scalable web applications, real-time applications, and APIs. You can learn more about Node.js here:

👩‍💻 Technical question

what is javascript

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 1.89 seconds

JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used for creating interactive and dynamic elements on websites. It is often referred to as the "language of the web" because it allows developers to add functionality to web pages. JavaScript is primarily used in web development to make websites more interactive, validate forms, create animations, and handle dynamic content. It is a versatile language that can also be used on the server-side (Node.js) and for developing mobile applications (React Native).

Here is an example of JavaScript code:

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// This code displays a message in the web browser's console console.log("Hello, world!");

You can learn more about JavaScript on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) website: JavaScript - MDN

👩‍💻 Technical question

What is nodejs

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 2.2 seconds

Node.js is an open-source server-side runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript on the server. It uses the V8 JavaScript engine, which is the same engine that powers Google Chrome. With Node.js, developers can build scalable and efficient web applications, server-side APIs, and server-side scripts. It provides a rich set of modules and libraries that make it easy to handle network connections, file systems, databases, and other functionalities commonly used in web development.

Here is the official website of Node.js:

Example code in JavaScript using Node.js:

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// Hello world example in Node.js console.log("Hello, World!");

👩‍💻 Node.js Code instructions

quick reply buttons in whatsapp business api

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 4.84 seconds

To create quick reply buttons in WhatsApp Business API, you need to make use of the "quick_reply" property in the message template.

Here's an example in Node.js of how to create quick reply buttons for a WhatsApp message:

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const axios = require('axios').default; // Replace with your actual access token and phone number const accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'; const phoneNumber = 'YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER'; // Create a function to send a message with quick reply buttons async function sendMessageWithQuickReplyButtons() { try { const response = await `${accessToken}/sendMessage`, { phone: phoneNumber, body: 'Select an option:', quick_reply: { buttons: [ { type: 'text', title: 'Option 1', payload: 'option1' }, { type: 'text', title: 'Option 2', payload: 'option2' }, { type: 'text', title: 'Option 3', payload: 'option3' } ] } } ); console.log('Message sent successfully'); console.log(; } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending message'); console.error(error); } } // Call the function to send the message sendMessageWithQuickReplyButtons();

Make sure to replace the YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN and YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER placeholders with your actual access token and phone number. You can obtain them by registering on the WhatsApp Business API service.

In the above example, the sendMessageWithQuickReplyButtons function sends a message with the body "Select an option:" and three quick reply buttons labeled "Option 1", "Option 2", and "Option 3". The type property of each button is set to "text", which means that when a user taps on a button, the button's text will be sent as a message.

You can customize the quick reply buttons according to your requirements by adjusting the values of the title and payload properties in the buttons array.

Note: This code uses the axios library to make HTTP requests. You may need to install it by running npm install axios before running the code.

👩‍💻 how can i respond to the buttons when user selects one

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 8.06 seconds

To handle the user's selection of a quick reply button and respond accordingly, you need to set up a webhook to receive incoming messages and process them. The webhook will receive the selected button's payload, and you can write code to perform the desired actions or send the appropriate response.

Here's an example in Node.js of how you can handle user responses to the quick reply buttons using Express.js to set up the webhook:

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const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // Create an instance of Express.js const app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Define a route to receive incoming message webhook requests'/webhook', (req, res) => { const incomingMessage = req.body; const messageType = incomingMessage.type; if (messageType === 'message') { // Check if the message is a quick reply if (incomingMessage.payload) { const selectedPayload = incomingMessage.payload; // Perform actions or send response based on the selected payload switch (selectedPayload) { case 'option1': // Handle option 1 selection sendOption1Response(, incomingMessage.body); break; case 'option2': // Handle option 2 selection sendOption2Response(, incomingMessage.body); break; case 'option3': // Handle option 3 selection sendOption3Response(, incomingMessage.body); break; default: // Handle unknown payload sendUnknownPayloadResponse(, incomingMessage.body); break; } } else { // Handle regular text message sendRegularMessageResponse(, incomingMessage.body); } } res.status(200).end(); }); // Function to send response for option 1 selection function sendOption1Response(phone, message) { // Write your code to send a response for option 1 console.log(`Option 1 selected by ${phone}: ${message}`); } // Function to send response for option 2 selection function sendOption2Response(phone, message) { // Write your code to send a response for option 2 console.log(`Option 2 selected by ${phone}: ${message}`); } // Function to send response for option 3 selection function sendOption3Response(phone, message) { // Write your code to send a response for option 3 console.log(`Option 3 selected by ${phone}: ${message}`); } // Function to send response for regular text message function sendRegularMessageResponse(phone, message) { // Write your code to send a response for regular text message console.log(`Regular message received from ${phone}: ${message}`); } // Function to send response for unknown payload function sendUnknownPayloadResponse(phone, message) { // Write your code to handle unknown payload console.log(`Unknown payload received from ${phone}: ${message}`); } // Start the server app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Webhook server started'); });

In the above code, the Express.js app listens for incoming POST requests on the /webhook route. When an incoming message is received, the code checks if it is a quick reply by looking at the payload property of the incoming message. If the payload exists, it performs different actions based on the selected option using a switch statement.

You can customize the sendOption1Response, sendOption2Response, sendOption3Response, sendRegularMessageResponse, and sendUnknownPayloadResponse functions to handle the responses according to your requirements. In this example, the response is logged to the console, but you can implement your own logic such as sending a message back to the user or triggering a specific action.

Note: Make sure to replace http://your-webhook-url in your WhatsApp Business API configuration with the URL where your webhook is hosted. Additionally, this code assumes you have the required setup to handle incoming webhooks with Express.js and have set up the necessary routes.

👩‍💻 can i have the complete code for sending and receiving responses from the quick reply buttons

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 11.85 seconds

Certainly! Here's the complete code that includes both sending the message with quick reply buttons and receiving the user's response:

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const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const axios = require('axios').default; // Create an instance of Express.js const app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Replace with your actual access token and phone number const accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'; const phoneNumber = 'YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER'; // Define a route to receive incoming message webhook requests'/webhook', async (req, res) => { const incomingMessage = req.body; const messageType = incomingMessage.type; if (messageType === 'message') { // Check if the message is a quick reply if (incomingMessage.payload) { const selectedPayload = incomingMessage.payload; // Perform actions or send response based on the selected payload switch (selectedPayload) { case 'option1': // Handle option 1 selection await sendOption1Response(, incomingMessage.body); break; case 'option2': // Handle option 2 selection await sendOption2Response(, incomingMessage.body); break; case 'option3': // Handle option 3 selection await sendOption3Response(, incomingMessage.body); break; default: // Handle unknown payload await sendUnknownPayloadResponse(, incomingMessage.body); break; } } else { // Handle regular text message await sendRegularMessageResponse(, incomingMessage.body); } } res.status(200).end(); }); // Function to send a message with quick reply buttons async function sendMessageWithQuickReplyButtons() { try { const response = await `${accessToken}/sendMessage`, { phone: phoneNumber, body: 'Select an option:', quick_reply: { buttons: [ { type: 'text', title: 'Option 1', payload: 'option1' }, { type: 'text', title: 'Option 2', payload: 'option2' }, { type: 'text', title: 'Option 3', payload: 'option3' } ] } } ); console.log('Message sent successfully'); console.log(; } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending message'); console.error(error); } } // Function to send response for option 1 selection async function sendOption1Response(phone, message) { try { console.log(`Option 1 selected by ${phone}: ${message}`); await `${accessToken}/sendMessage`, { phone: phone, body: 'You selected Option 1.' } ); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending response for option 1'); console.error(error); } } // Function to send response for option 2 selection async function sendOption2Response(phone, message) { try { console.log(`Option 2 selected by ${phone}: ${message}`); await `${accessToken}/sendMessage`, { phone: phone, body: 'You selected Option 2.' } ); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending response for option 2'); console.error(error); } } // Function to send response for option 3 selection async function sendOption3Response(phone, message) { try { console.log(`Option 3 selected by ${phone}: ${message}`); await `${accessToken}/sendMessage`, { phone: phone, body: 'You selected Option 3.' } ); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending response for option 3'); console.error(error); } } // Function to send response for regular text message async function sendRegularMessageResponse(phone, message) { try { console.log(`Regular message received from ${phone}: ${message}`); await `${accessToken}/sendMessage`, { phone: phone, body: 'Thank you for your message.' } ); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending response for regular message'); console.error(error); } } // Function to send response for unknown payload async function sendUnknownPayloadResponse(phone, message) { try { console.log(`Unknown payload received from ${phone}: ${message}`); await `${accessToken}/sendMessage`,

👩‍💻 How to create list interactive objects in WhatsApp Business API using Node.js

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 5.87 seconds

To create list interactive objects in WhatsApp Business API using Node.js, you can make use of the "list" template. Each list item can contain interactive actions like buttons or quick replies.

Here's an example code in Node.js that demonstrates how to create a list interactive object using the WhatsApp Business API:

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const axios = require('axios').default; // Replace with your actual access token and phone number const accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'; const phoneNumber = 'YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER'; // Create a function to send a message with a list interactive object async function sendListInteractiveObject() { try { const response = await `${accessToken}/sendMessage`, { phone: phoneNumber, body: 'Check out this list:', list: { listItems: [ { title: 'Item 1', description: 'Description 1', action: { type: 'url', url: '' } }, { title: 'Item 2', description: 'Description 2', action: { type: 'text', text: 'item2' } }, { title: 'Item 3', description: 'Description 3', action: { type: 'text', text: 'item3' } } ] } } ); console.log('Message sent successfully'); console.log(; } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending message'); console.error(error); } } // Call the function to send the message sendListInteractiveObject();

Make sure to replace the YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN and YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER placeholders with your actual access token and phone number.

In the above example, the sendListInteractiveObject function sends a message with a list interactive object containing three list items. Each list item has a title, description, and an action. The action defines what happens when a user interacts with the respective list item.

In the code, the first item has an action of type "url" which opens the specified URL when clicked. The second and third items have an action of type "text" which sends a specific text message when clicked. You can customize the list items, their titles, descriptions, and actions according to your requirements.

Note: This code uses the axios library to make HTTP requests. You may need to install it by running npm install axios before running the code.

👩‍💻 how can i respond to user selection on list object?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 6.99 seconds

To respond to user selections on a list interactive object in WhatsApp Business API, you need to set up a webhook to receive incoming message events and process them. The webhook will receive the selected list item's action and you can write code to perform the desired actions or send the appropriate response.

Here's an example in Node.js of how you can handle user selections on a list interactive object using Express.js to set up the webhook:

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const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // Create an instance of Express.js const app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Define a route to receive incoming message event webhook requests'/webhook', (req, res) => { const incomingEvent = req.body; const eventType = incomingEvent.type; if (eventType === 'message') { const action = incomingEvent.action; if (action) { const actionType = action.type; // Perform actions or send response based on the selected action type switch (actionType) { case 'url': // Handle URL action handleUrlAction(action.url); break; case 'text': // Handle text action handleTextAction(action.text); break; default: // Handle unknown action type handleUnknownAction(); break; } } else { // Handle regular text message handleRegularMessage(incomingEvent.body); } } res.status(200).end(); }); // Function to handle URL action function handleUrlAction(url) { // Write your code to handle URL action console.log('URL action selected:', url); } // Function to handle text action function handleTextAction(text) { // Write your code to handle text action console.log('Text action selected:', text); } // Function to handle regular text message function handleRegularMessage(message) { // Write your code to handle regular text message console.log('Regular message received:', message); } // Function to handle unknown action type function handleUnknownAction() { // Write your code to handle unknown action type console.log('Unknown action type selected'); } // Start the server app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Webhook server started'); });

In the above code, the Express.js app listens for incoming POST requests on the /webhook route. When an incoming message event is received, the code checks if it is a list item action by looking at the action property of the incoming event. Depending on the action type, it performs different actions using a switch statement.

You can customize the handleUrlAction, handleTextAction, handleRegularMessage, and handleUnknownAction functions to handle the responses according to your requirements. In this example, the response is logged to the console, but you can implement your own logic such as sending a message back to the user or triggering a specific action.

Note: Make sure to replace http://your-webhook-url with the URL where your webhook is hosted in your WhatsApp Business API configuration. Additionally, this code assumes you have the required setup to handle incoming webhook events with Express.js and have set up the necessary routes.

👩‍💻 can i have the complete code on how to respond to an interactive list selections?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Your request could not be processed by Athena because the convesation is too long. Please, ask Athena a new question instead.

👩‍💻 Technical question

what is express.js

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 0.95 seconds

Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js, used for building server-side web applications and APIs. It provides a set of features and tools for handling HTTP requests, routing, middleware, and more. Express.js simplifies the process of building web applications by providing a straightforward and minimalistic approach. You can learn more about Express.js here.

👩‍💻 Technical question

How do I install prettier on my Windows computer? I followed the link provided but got lost along the way.

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 3.51 seconds

To install Prettier on your Windows computer, follow the below steps:

  1. Open your terminal (PowerShell, Command Prompt, or Git Bash).
  2. Install Node.js and npm (Node.js package manager) by going to and downloading the installer for your machine.
  3. Once you've downloaded and installed Node.js and npm, verify that they are both installed by running the following commands in your terminal: node -v npm -v
  4. The above commands verify that both Node.js and npm are installed.
  5. Install Prettier globally by running the command below: npm install -g prettier
  6. Verify that Prettier is installed by running the following command in your terminal: prettier --version This should display the version number of the Prettier installed on your computer.


👩‍💻 Technical question

what is node.js?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 1 seconds

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the Chrome V8 engine. It allows developers to use JavaScript on the server-side to build web applications and automate development workflows. You can learn more about it here:

👩‍💻 Technical question

how to handle login in react

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 16.47 seconds

To handle login in React, you generally need to follow these basic steps:

  1. Create a login form: This is where the user will enter their login credentials (username and password).
  2. Implement form validation: Ensure that the form has all the required fields and validates the input data before sending it to the backend for authentication.
  3. Create an authentication API: This is where you define your backend authentication logic that checks the user's credentials and returns a token to the frontend if the login is successful.
  4. Save the token in local storage: Store the returned authentication token in local storage or session storage so that it can be used across multiple pages.
  5. Redirect the user to the dashboard: After the authentication is successful, redirect the user to the appropriate page based on their role (e.g., admin, user, etc.) where they can perform actions according to their privileges.

Here is an example of how to create a login form using React and HTML:

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import React, {useState} from 'react'; function LoginForm() { const [username, setUsername] = useState(''); const [password, setPassword] = useState(''); const handleUsernameChange = (event) => { setUsername(; } const handlePasswordChange = (event) => { setPassword(; } const handleSubmit = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); // TODO: Implement authentication API call here } return ( <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <div> <label>Username:</label> <input type="text" value={username} onChange={handleUsernameChange} /> </div> <div> <label>Password:</label> <input type="password" value={password} onChange={handlePasswordChange} /> </div> <button type="submit">Login</button> </form> ) }

Here is an example of how to implement the authentication API using Node.js and MongoDB:

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const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); const User = require('./models/user'); const app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json());'/api/login', async (req, res) => { const {username, password} = req.body; const user = await User.findOne({username}); if (user && user.password === password) { const token = jwt.sign({id: user._id}, 'secret-key'); res.send({token}); } else { res.status(401).send('Invalid login credentials'); } }); app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server started'));

Note: This is a simplified example for demonstration purposes only, and it skips important details like security best practices such as salting and hashing the password, handling login errors from the API, storing the token securely, and many others.

👩‍💻 Technical question

how do i run a python file from a favascript file

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 5.27 seconds

To run a Python file from a JavaScript file, you can use a child process to execute the command line. Specifically, you can use the child_process module in Node.js. Here is an example code snippet to get you started:

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const { spawn } = require('child_process'); // Run a Python script and return output function runPythonScript(scriptPath, args) { // Use child_process.spawn method from // child_process module and assign it to variable const pyProg = spawn('python', [scriptPath].concat(args)); // Collect data from script and print to console let data = ''; pyProg.stdout.on('data', (stdout) => { data += stdout.toString(); }); // Print errors to console, if any pyProg.stderr.on('data', (stderr) => { console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`); }); // When script is finished, print collected data pyProg.on('close', (code) => { console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`); console.log(data); }); } // Run the Python file runPythonScript('/path/to/', [arg1, arg2]);

Make sure to replace /path/to/ with the actual path to your Python file, and replace [arg1, arg2] with any arguments you want to pass to the script. Additionally, make sure that Python is installed on your machine and is included in your PATH environment variable.

👩‍💻 Technical question

how to deploy ai model in next js

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 5.31 seconds

To deploy an AI model in Next.js, you need to integrate it into your application and deploy using a server like Node.js. Here are three main steps for deployment:

  1. Train and save the AI Model

First, you need to train your AI model using a suitable library, save the trained model and convert it into a format that can be loaded in JavaScript. TensorFlow.js is one suitable library that you can use.


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import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs'; // define your model architecture here const model = tf.sequential(); model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 32, activation: 'relu', inputShape: [100]})); model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, activation: 'sigmoid'})); // compile the model with suitable optimizer and loss function model.compile({optimizer: 'sgd', loss: 'binaryCrossentropy', metrics: ['accuracy']}); // Train the model with your data and save it in JSON format await'file://path/to/model');
  1. Integrate AI model into Next.js application

Second, you need to integrate the AI model into your Next.js application using Node.js. You can use the tfjs-node library to load the saved model and use it for inference.


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import {loadLayersModel} from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node'; const modelPath = "file://path/to/model"; const model = await loadLayersModel(modelPath); const prediction = model.predict(inputData); // use the prediction for your application
  1. Deploy the Next.js application

Finally, you need to deploy your Next.js application. You can use a cloud platform like Vercel or Heroku to deploy your application along with the AI model.


👩‍💻 Technical question

cant install axios in terminal

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 1.92 seconds

To install Axios in the terminal, you can use the following command in your terminal:

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npm install axios

Please note that you need to have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine before you can run this command. Here is the link to the official Node.js website for installation instructions:

Once you have installed Node.js and npm, navigate to your project directory in the terminal and run the above command to install Axios.

👩‍💻 Technical question

what is node.js?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 1.35 seconds

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side, which means it can handle server-based functionalities such as creating servers, building web applications, and interacting with the file system. You can find more information on Node.js here:

👩‍💻 Technical question

how to check node version VScode?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 4.04 seconds

To check the version of Node.js being used in VSCode, you can run the following command in the VSCode integrated terminal:

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node -v

This command will display the version of Node.js that is currently being used in your VSCode environment.

Alternatively, you can also check the version of Node.js being used by running the following command in the terminal:

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npm version node

This command will display the version of Node.js that is currently being used by npm, the Node.js Package Manager.

For more information, you can refer to the following documentation from the Node.js website:

👩‍💻 Technical question

node -v comand what does it do

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 3.42 seconds

node -v is a command that checks the version of Node.js that is currently installed on your computer. This command returns the version number in the terminal. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows developers to run JavaScript on the server side.

Here is an example of using the node -v command:

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node -v

This command will output the version of Node.js installed on your computer, for example v14.15.0.

👩‍💻 Technical question

This command not work npm install --save-dev @types/react-animated-weather

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 5.86 seconds

It's possible that the npm command is not working because you either don't have Node.js installed on your computer or there might be an issue with your internet connection.

You can try checking if Node.js is installed by typing node -v in your terminal. If that command returns a version number, it means Node.js is installed. If not, you can download and install it from the official website:

If Node.js is installed, you can try running npm install first to see if that solves the issue. If not, you can try clearing your npm cache by running npm cache clean --force and then try running the previous command again.

If the issue persists, you can try troubleshooting the issue further or seek help from the npm community.

Here's an example link for troubleshooting installation issues on npm packages:

👩‍💻 Technical question

How to implement a request that uses stream in javascript?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 5.27 seconds

To implement a request that uses stream in JavaScript, you can use Node.js built-in 'http' or 'https' modules. Here's an example code snippet for making a GET request with streams:

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const https = require('https'); https.get('', (response) => { response.on('data', (chunk) => { console.log(chunk); // handle the streaming data chunk-by-chunk }); response.on('end', () => { console.log('No more data in response.'); }); }).on('error', (error) => { console.error(`Error occurred: ${error.message}`); });

In this example, we're making a GET request to and handling the streaming data chunk by chunk using the data event. When the response ends, the end event will be triggered. If there is an error, we will catch it with the error event.

You can also use third-party libraries like request or axios to make requests with streams.

👩‍💻 How do I integrate it in React app?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 11.74 seconds

To integrate HTTP streaming with React, we can create a simple component that uses the fetch function or a third-party library like axios to get the streamed data from the server and update the component state with that data as it arrives.

Here's how you can use the fetch function to get streaming data and update a React component:

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import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; function StreamComponent() { const [streamData, setStreamData] = useState(''); useEffect(() => { const getData = async () => { try { const response = await fetch('', { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'text/event-stream', }, }); const reader = response.body.getReader(); while (true) { const { done, value } = await; if (done) { break; } setStreamData((prevData) => prevData + new TextDecoder().decode(value)); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; getData(); }, []); return ( <pre>{streamData}</pre> ); }

In this example, we're using the fetch function to make a GET request to an endpoint that returns streaming data in text/event-stream format. We set the Accept header to inform the server that we expect streaming data.

Once the response is received, we create a ReadableStream object with the response body using the getReader method. We then use a while loop to read incoming data from the stream and decode it with TextDecoder to convert it from binary to human-readable text. We then update the state of the component with the new data as it arrives.

Finally, we render the streaming data in a pre element. Note that this example only shows text streaming data. To display other types of streaming data, you may need to adapt the code to your specific use case.

👩‍💻 Technical question

Why is axios not installing or showing in my package.json

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 7.77 seconds

It sounds like you might be having a problem with a failed npm install of axios. Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and NodeJS which can be installed using the following command:

Copy code
npm install axios

If the install command fails, it may be due to an outdated npm version or inadequate permissions. Please take a look at this Axios Documentation page for troubleshooting instructions: 12-things-you-should-know-about-axios.html

Hope this helps!

👩‍💻 Technical question

What are the most common node js interview questions

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 12.4 seconds

Common node.js interview questions include:

  • What is Node.js used for?
  • What is the difference between Node.js and JavaScript?
  • What is asynchronous programming?
  • What are the pros and cons of using an asynchronous programming paradigm?
  • What is an event loop?
  • What libraries and frameworks have you used in your projects?
  • How do you debug a Node.js application?
  • How do you unit test a Node.js application?
  • How would you secure a Node.js application?
  • Describe the most complex project you’ve built with Node.js.
  • How do streams work in Node.js?
  • What is the responsibility of the incubator in the Node.js process?
  • What is callback hell and how can it be avoided?
  • What do you need to keep in mind when scaling a Node.js application?

See this Stack Overflow answer for an in-depth look into Node.js interview questions.

👩‍💻 Technical question

Asked 2 years ago in NPM by Christina

Terminal is not letting me install axios, it says error every time

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 6.38 seconds

It looks like you're trying to install the Axios library from the NPM registry. One possible reason for this error is that you don't have permissions to install the library. Try doing a sudo npm install axios in your terminal, which should allow npm to install with root privileges. Additionally, make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed onto your machine. You can verify this by running npm version in your terminal.

👩‍💻 Technical question

Asked 2 years ago in React by Mariana

Hello, Athena. Could you help me? Please, explain to me what is axios briefly

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 9.37 seconds

Axios is an open-source library for making HTTP requests from Node.js or the browser. It supports the Promise API and provides utilities for vanillajs, React, and Vue.js in order to make HTTP requests.

Axios works using the standard Promise API, making code more readable and asynchronous without having to use callbacks. This works by making an XMLHttpRequest in supported browsers, or a XDomainRequest (works in IE 9 and IE 8) in legacy browsers.

Code example with Axios (in Javascript):

Copy code
axios.get('/user?ID=12345') .then(function (response) { // handle success console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { // handle error console.log(error); }) .finally(function () { // always executed });

For more information see: Axios Documentation.

👩‍💻 Technical question

Why does my jsx break {"\n"} not show up after deploying the site ?

🤖 SheCodes Athena says:

Answered in 4.84 seconds

JSX breaks when the JavaScript React code is transpiled to an earlier version of JavaScript that doesn't support the new features of the newer ES6 version. Check the version of Node.js you are using and try upgrading it to a version that supports the newer ES6 features. Also make sure you are using babel to correctly compile the code when deploying the application. See these directions for instructions on how to set up and deploy your React app.

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions, you can easily reach out to us here

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- How do I make bullet points with different colors using the list element?

- My code in Codesandbox is having some issues. Can you please tell me what the issue is? [Include the link to your Codesandbox]

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Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom, among other elements. She received her name from the city of Athens, which she is known for protecting.

Much like the goddess Athena, SheCodes Athena is also incredibly wise and can solve complicated coding puzzles in a matter of seconds! 😍

Not likely. AI can automate tasks and make developers' jobs more efficient but it can't fully replace the human ability to deal with complex software. And AI will still require human developers to supervise and improve it further.

So developers may see their tasks change but they won't be replaced by AI. 👩‍💻🤝💻