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sara hasn't won or participated in any coding challenges yet.sara roseira π΅πΉ
sara successfully graduated from at least one SheCodes Coding Workshop and is featured in the SheCodes Hall of Fame
π SheCodes Certifications
SheCodes Plus Add-on

Not for everyone by sara - See more reviews
βIt was a very (very) simple project, specially if you've done she codes plus.
I kinda feel like this could very easily been taught within shecodes plus, not sure it needs it's own little project. It's very similar to the final project of the plus, with the exception that because you're using intervals, it's so easy to upgrade time and date...β
Verified Certificate
Final Project
SheCodes Plus

Not recommended by sara - See more reviews
βThere were so many things that I wished would have been different, that it would take me a really long time to mention them all.
Most importantly: I really thing the videos should be revised. There are things that are outdated (like using clearfix) and no longer in use, tools that now have different versions (like bootstrap and netlify) which makes it harder to follow through the videos. But the lowest point is the lack of proper feedback on homework and (even more shocking for me) the final projects. It's "your solution works" kind of feedback. Personally, as someone who is learning to code, it's not *just* about the code working, I could really use feedback on how I could write it more clearly, etc. Otherwise I could just use an html/css/js validator and get pretty much the same answer.
It's really a shame and I hope it changes in the future, because otherwise what's the difference between doing this or a full curse on udemy that costs 15β¬? One really wonders.
Also bear in mind that unless you have nothing else going on in your life, 5 days a week is not enough to complete the week.β
Verified Certificate
Final Project
SheCodes Basics Add-on

Not for everyone by sara - See more reviews
βIt was a very simple project but with a lot of different techniques being applied.
I think it was over-simplified at times - I know that if I wouldn't have a bit of previous knowledge (I mean deeper than she codes basisc) some concepts would have been confusing.
Also I think it should have proper english captions, instead of the automatic ones.β
Verified Certificate
Final Project
SheCodes Basics

Not for everyone by Sara Barros - See more reviews
βI could translate the concepts that I've learned before into 'real' situations and they become clearer as well.β
Verified Certificate