☕️ Claire's Coffee Club

(a love letter to coffee)

The Origins of Coffee
coffee beans on table with spices

Coffee first emerged in 15th century Yemen as a sort of historical "energy drink" used by Sufi worshippers during religious activities. The beans, which are native to Ethopia, were brought across the Red Sea to Arabia by Somali merchants.

By the 17th century, the drink had made its way to Europe, and then the Americas, and was initially heralded as a medicinal tonic, preventative against stomach ailments.

Coffee in Today's World

These days, there are many reasons why we enjoy coffee; some drink it for its famous energy boosting properties due to high caffeine content - others enjoy it for its delicious flavour.

Whether you enjoy your coffee black, with milk and sugar or as something more akin to a milkshake, there's almost certainly a type of coffee out there for you!