Ángela Marcela has been fully supported by the Delac Foundation to complete this SheCodes Workshop

Workshops Ángela Marcela Completed

Skills Ángela Marcela Learned

Ángela Marcela hasn't won or participated in any coding challenges yet.
Ángela Marcela Cordero Sosa 🇨🇴
Colombian located in Valle del Cauca Department, Colombia 🇨🇴
Ángela Marcela successfully graduated from at least one SheCodes Coding Workshop and is featured in the SheCodes Hall of Fame
🎓 SheCodes Certifications
SheCodes Plus

Highly recommended by Ángela Marcela - See more reviews
“I learned so much! I love SheCodes, the methodology really motivates me and prevents me from giving up. Having deadlines definitely works for me, I usually just give up, but having to send homework everyweek kept me going. Absolutely happy 💜”
Verified Certificate
Final Project
SheCodes Basics

Highly recommended by Ángela Marcela - See more reviews
“This workshop helped me a lot. I have learnt so much! It is designed in a way that I can keep coming for more without feeling overwelmed. It also allowed me to practice a lot before moving to a new topic. I loved it 💜”
Verified Certificate
Final Project