/> Coding journey
My Coding



When I first began learning to code, I was overwhelmed with the amount of information that was available. It seemed like every day I was learning something new, and I was constantly confused about what I was learning and how to apply it to my projects. I felt like a small fish in a big pond as I tried to understand the basics of coding.

At first, I was intimidated by all of the coding jargon and the seemingly complex concepts. I found myself struggling to understand how all of the pieces fit together. I read tutorials and watched videos, but I never felt like I was truly grasping the concepts.

I decided to take a break and reflect on what I had learned. I realized that I had been trying to take on too much at once and that I needed to break down the concepts into smaller chunks. I also understood that I had to practice more and experiment with different approaches.

I began to take baby steps and work on smaller projects. I used the tutorials and videos that I had seen before, but I also took the time to practice and experiment with the concepts. This allowed me to slowly increase my understanding and become more comfortable with coding.

I eventually reached a point where I felt confident in my coding skills and was able to start tackling larger projects. I was still confused at times, but I was able to work through the confusion and find solutions. I also found that I was able to apply the concepts that I had learned to new problems and projects.

The confusion stage of learning to code was challenging but also beneficial. It allowed me to break down the concepts and understand them better. It also allowed me to practice and experiment with different approaches. Most importantly, it enabled me to gain the confidence and skills necessary to become proficient in coding.

It all started with a simple curiosity, a desire to understand the complex world of technology that seemed to be driving the modern world. As I observed the rapid advancements in the digital landscape, it became increasingly clear that coding was not just a technical skill but a superpower that could unlock endless possibilities. This realization ignited a fire within me and compelled me to embark on a coding journey, one that would shape my career and change my life in ways I could never have imagined.

Looking back at the inception of my coding journey, it is fascinating to consider the various reasons that led me to take that first step. Firstly, I was motivated by a sense of empowerment. I wanted to be a creator, someone who could build things from scratch and make a tangible impact on the world. In coding, I saw the opportunity to break free from the limitations of pre-existing structures and unleash my creativity. The ability to transform a blank screen into a functioning website or an innovative application filled me with excitement and a sense of accomplishment.

Secondly, my fascination with problem-solving played a significant role in setting me on this path. Coding is essentially a puzzle-solving exercise, where one must break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components. This aspect perfectly aligned with my innate desire to untangle perplexing challenges and find elegant solutions. The ability to think critically, analyze problems from different angles, and develop logical algorithms became second nature to me through coding. I relished the thrill of conquering obstacles and seeing my code bring about the desired outcomes.

Another crucial factor that motivated me to embark on this coding journey was the understanding that it provided a gateway to a multitude of lucrative career opportunities. The demand for skilled coders was skyrocketing, and it seemed like every industry was in desperate need of individuals who could navigate the digital realm with ease. Coding held the promise of not only financial stability but also the possibility of working on projects that aligned with my passions and values. I saw it as a way to forge my own path and carve out a niche for myself in a rapidly evolving world.

Furthermore, I recognized the transformative power technology had on society, and I felt a strong desire to be a part of that change. From innovative applications that simplified everyday tasks to advancements in healthcare and environmental sustainability, the role of coding in shaping a better future was undeniable. I wanted to contribute to this wave of progress and actively participate in creating solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges. Coding offered a platform where my dreams of making a positive impact could come to life.

Finally, embarking on my coding journey was also driven by a deep-seated belief in lifelong learning. Coding, with its endless libraries, frameworks, and programming languages, embraced the notion that there was always something new to discover and a continuous growth journey to embark upon. This appealed to my thirst for knowledge, personal development, and the opportunity to be at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies.


Learning to code has been an incredible journey for me. It all started when I first developed an interest in technology and computer science. I had always been fascinated by how websites and applications worked, and I wanted to be able to create my own. Little did I know that learning to code would open up a whole new world of opportunities and challenges that would shape my future.

When I first started learning to code, I was overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and programming languages available. However, I knew that I needed to start with a strong foundation, so I began by learning the basics of HTML and CSS. These languages allowed me to create and design simple web pages, which was an exciting achievement for me at the time. I remember feeling thrilled when I saw my first web page come to life on my browser.

As I progressed, I started exploring more complex programming languages like JavaScript . Learning these languages required a considerable amount of dedication and perseverance. Many times, I found myself stuck on a particular problem, spending hours searching for a solution. However, the feeling of accomplishment that came when I finally solved the problem was indescribable. It never failed to motivate me to continue learning and progressing.

One of the most significant aspects of learning to code was the importance of practice. I quickly realized that theory alone would not be enough to become proficient in coding. I spent countless hours practicing coding exercises and challenges, which allowed me to hone my problem-solving skills and familiarize myself with different programming concepts. Moreover, I found online communities and coding forums to be invaluable resources for support and guidance when facing complex problems.Learning to code has been an incredible journey for me. It all started when I first developed an interest in technology and computer science. I had always been fascinated by how websites and applications worked, and I wanted to be able to create my own. Little did I know that learning to code would open up a whole new world of opportunities and challenges that would shape my future.

When I first started learning to code, I was overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and programming languages available. However, I knew that I needed to start with a strong foundation, so I began by learning the basics of HTML and CSS. These languages allowed me to create and design simple web pages, which was an exciting achievement for me at the time. I remember feeling thrilled when I saw my first web page come to life on my browser.

As I progressed, I started exploring more complex programming languages like JavaScript and Python. Learning these languages required a considerable amount of dedication and perseverance. Many times, I found myself stuck on a particular problem, spending hours searching for a solution. However, the feeling of accomplishment that came when I finally solved the problem was indescribable. It never failed to motivate me to continue learning and progressing.

One of the most significant aspects of learning to code was the importance of practice. I quickly realized that theory alone would not be enough to become proficient in coding. I spent countless hours practicing coding exercises and challenges, which allowed me to hone my problem-solving skills and familiarize myself with different programming concepts. Moreover, I found online communities and coding forums to be invaluable resources for support and guidance when facing complex problems.

Furthermore, learning to code has provided me with countless opportunities for personal and professional growth. It has equipped me with skills that are highly sought-after in today's technology-driven world. The ability to code has opened doors to internships, job opportunities, and collaborations with like-minded individuals. Moreover, coding has allowed me to think logically, break down complex problems, and find creative solutions – skills that are applicable in various aspects of life.

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Coded by Nadia Russell-Brett