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(Hi there, my name is Chandrima Deb and here's a bit about my coding Journey.)

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I was really interested in how developers use different languages to create websites, apps, games, and utilize those codes they've developed into programs that are super helpful for everyone aside from those who are in the tech field. I wanted to know more about how those different avenues worked knowing there's so much you can do as a developer whether you go into front end, back end, become full stack, becaome a linux system administrator, whether you work for quality assurance, data analyzation, cyber security, create apps and different games, work with AI and robots or even become a data scientist, etc. Plays a huge role in everyone's life now and in the future. I personally really loved the creative aspect of web developement and really wanted to know and learn more so I would be able to create websites, apps, games, etc in the long run.

I know that we all spend most of our lives working so figured why not transition into tech but the design UI/UX portion of web development because it's so intriguing to me. I'm currently developing skills that will help me land a job as a Front End Web Developer and it's only because of this awesome program created by Matt Delac and his awesome team helping women code world wide called SheCodes! I researched a few months ago and looked at several programs I can enter and kept eyeing this specific workshop that allows verified certifications and finally told myself it was time! I'm so happy I took that leap because now I'm able to learn something new that will become my career. My first love will always be makeup artistry as I have been in this career for 10+ years and have added a few other notches within the field under my belt.

This program is super easy to keep up with as it's playful decor and thoughtful pre-recorded videos that help with learning languages quickly but having challenges that help us retain that information. I find that I don't get as distracted with this program because I'm not constantly bored to death and it's not effectng my ADHD as much because if you're anything like me you have a lot of hobbies and sometimes you'll start and never finish unless you really want to achieve something. I personally have to thank my adhd as well because if I didn't have adhd I wouldn't hyperfocus and strive to finish many of the milestones I have in life. The best way I learn from the workshops are by opening up a file on VScode and whilst Matt is teaching us via the recording I will plug in the code and mess around with it , sometimes I will pause the video and look up with either the help of ATHENA Ai or google and learn different syntax that we haven't learned yet and plug it into my projects. I love taking notes because for me if I physically jot down something my memory will be able to remember it so it goes from the short attention span to the longer attention span which then becomes a memory helping me figure out how to code for projects later on from the data I've just been fed.
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>> Click here to see my deskgram! <<

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< My Coding Journey Timeline >
Date: 2008

Information Technology H.S.

2008: This was my first experience with tech, coding, and data analysis. I got super into tech news but I didn't know where I would apply it since there were other things that came up like the gas leak we made the news with and a bunch of other life occurences. I got super into design and editing and story telling as well.

Date : 2011

Long Island University Brooklyn Campus

2011: I got a 2 year scholarship to go to this college and further got into wanting to know more about tech however I was really getting the hand of maintaining 4 jobs and trying to find a place to stay because my home life was very tumultuos. I would stay on campus finishing work and creating things when I couldn't come back to my family's apartment.

Date : 2013

Glam Lab Studios International Makeup Artist Certification

2013: I had alot of hobbies it happens when you're left to your own devices and have to figure out how to spend the time so I was into makeup and skincare as well. I just felt like I could create something or improve something that already existed. I finally got a certification because I was self taught but I wanted to get paid more unfortunately that's what a piece of paper meant then IDK so much about now. Anyways I wanted to get paid more for my skills that I had been freelancing and making money from while I was in college and working those jobs started building more connections and got my foot into the niche I wanted into the Entertainment industry. I got a taste of the 1st time that happened when I was 15 but that's a story for another time.

Date : 2023


2023: Hello current day I was eyeing this program for quite some time and figured since I can finish up my degree now that I went back. Online at another college EGCC because I couldn't afford to after LIU had an unprecedented shutdown and struggling to pay them and take out another loan after my scholarship had finished I was like I can focus on something else that intrigues me. Becoming a front end web developer. I also will be taking some classes to help me become a Full Stack developer. Then I will see where I want to go from there.

>> Click here to see my shecodes profile! <<

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