My journey to code...

The internet is just magic right...?
In 2022 I decided to find out

I found myself randomly working in a tech company, what better place to find out how it all works! I looked through many coding languages to find out what builds the internet.
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Then in a random £20 online course from who knows where I learnt the 3 foundations of the internet.
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Getting a pink, underlined 'Hello World' printed on a page... I was hooked
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I worked with tech geniuses so I continued to learn from them and ask endless questions.
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I knew I needed to learn more but the internet contains so much information its a minefield.
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Codecademy was recommended to me and I was off playing with the possibilities of code.
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One of my mentors once said to me 'developers don't know how to do everything, but they are the best at Googling' (thank goodness for ChatGPT now...)
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Unfortunately whilst enjoying this journey I found out I was being made redundant.
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Then a little instagram story popped up for me advertising SheCodes 👩‍💻
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It must have been the universe telling me to take the leap...
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...So I did, I completed my SheCodes course and I have now been a software developer for 6 months!
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I have so much to learn, every day is a steep learning curve (some days are more of a straight up cliff!)
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This journey is far from over!
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😇 🥳