“I have always believed that a blighted urban landscape, a concrete jungle destroys the human spirit. We need the greenery of nature to lift our spirits.”
– Mr Lee Kuan Yew, 1995

Singapore is a small tropical city-state with little land space. Despite the geographical limitations, there are many pockets of green spaces for urban dwellers, thanks to the “Garden City” transformation led by her founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who is also nicknamed the "Chief Gardener" of Singapore.

Let's explore the green spaces in this city!

Enjoy the scenery and greenery on your journey

  • Provide shade and reduce ambient temperature
  • Improve water and air quality
  • Retain rainwater
  • Calming
  • Easy on the eyes

Tree planting was one of the earliest greening efforts in the city’s transformation. Today, trees such as Rain Tree and Angsana and flowering shrubs are common sights along the roads and in the neighbourhoods in this urban city.

Spend time with loved ones in a green oasis near home

Parks and gardens are a stone’s throw away from residential and work places. Be it for recreation, relaxation or exercise, young and old can spend time outdoors and gather with the community.




Check out all the parks on the map courtesy of littledayout.com.

Cultivate a therapeutic hobby. Heal in nature

Community Garden

These communal spaces allow like-minded gardeners to volunteer their time in manning shared gardens that may grow edible greens, fruits and herbs, ornamental or exotic plants.

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Healing Garden

Scientifically and carefully designed therapeutic gardens can boost our moods and engage our senses, improving our mental and emotional wellbeing.

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Get close to nature and appreciate her beauty

No matter how urbanised Singapore may be, preserving nature reserves is critical to safeguard the ecosystem and biodiversity on this small island. These are the remaining homes to the beautiful plants and creatures here.

Relive history and heritage

Roaming around some of the parks rich in heritage is like taking history lessons outdoors. Some of these parks had witnessed key moments in the nation’s history.
Singapore Botanic Gardens

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2015, it was first established as a botanical institute shaped by Kew-trained botanists.

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Fort Canning Park

Fort Canning Park

It was once the palace home to Malay kings who ruled during the 14th century and then the British military base. It was also the venue where Singapore was surrendered by the British to the Japanese in 1942.

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For the world to see

Green spaces can also be icons and the backdrop for the world to know about SIngapore.

Gardens by the Bay has been featured extensively in promoting tourism, and also in the music videos of popular artistes such as Billie Ellish.

Innovate and aim high

With limited land space, skyrise greenery may well be the answer to integrating greenery into the concrete jungle. Vertical gardens are getting popular and literally green buildings can be spotted here and there.

Add life to your home

Indoor plants can add colour and life to our enclosed spaces. Watching your plant grow and taking care of it can bring joy and fun.

Head down to the nurseries to purchase some popular indoor plants.

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