Urban garden

Urban gardening is the growing of plants in urban areas.

Techniques of urban gardening

There are several ways of urban gardening.

Container gardening

It includes a wider range ofcontainers, such as pots, buckets, and even repurposed items like old crates or tires.
Container gardening allows you to grow plants in virtually any
available space, from balconies and windowsills to rooftops and patios.
You can grow a variety of plants, including flowers,
herbs, vegetables, and even small trees or shrubs, depending on the size of your containers.
This method offers several advantages, such as easier maintenance,
better control over soil quality, and the ability to move plants around to optimize sunlight exposure.


Hanging baskets

Hanging baskets are a versatile and visually appealing way to add greenery to indoor and outdoor spaces. Choose plants that thrive in baskets, such as trailing vines, flowering plants, and herbs. Use a lightweight potting mix and ensure the basket has good drainage. Water regularly, but avoid overwatering. Provide adequate sunlight and fertilize as needed. Maintenance includes removing spent flowers and pruning. Consider the overall design and placement of hanging baskets to create a beautiful and harmonious display.

hanging baskets


The following plants are best for an urban Garden

climbing plants
Climbing plants are a great addition to an urban garden, especially if you have limited space and want to add vertical interest. They include ivy, morning glory and jasmine
Strawberries: These can be grown in hanging baskets or vertical planters, making them ideal for small spaces.
Succulents: These plants are low-maintenance and come in a variety of shapes and colors, adding visual interest to your garden.