Urban Gardens

Urban gardens are vital to any city, providing a tranquil escape from the hectic pace of urban living. They play a crucial role in enhancing overall well-being and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Within these green spaces, people can engage in various activities such as cycling, rollerblading, picnicking with friends or family, soaking up the sun for a dose of vitamin D, or simply taking leisurely strolls. One of my personal favorites among urban gardens is Turia Gardens, a park located in Valencia, renowned for its expansive size and diverse recreational opportunities, ensuring there's always something new to explore. Let's dive into the charm of urban parks across Spain's top two cities!

Check out my favourite urban gardens in Spain



Turia Gardens

The Turia Gardens is one of the largest urban parks in Valencia and it's my personal favourite. It stretches over 9km and is a perfect place for runners, cyclists or families. Interesting fact - the park is built on the city's former riverbed, whose course was altered to prevent flooding of the city.


City of Science

The City of Science was created by Santiago Calatrava, an architect whose buildings have become iconic in the city. Inside the City of Science you can find numerous museums. My favourite spot is the Umbracle, which is an open access garden covering 17,000 sqm.


Botanical Gardens

The Botanical Gardens in Valencia feature 3000 species of trees and plants from around the world. The gardens were restored after a flood in 1957 and today it provides a centre for scientific and teaching activities, a historical space and a feature of the urban landscape.

Benefits of urban gardens

Urban gardens play an important part in our well-being by providing opportunities for physical activity, social interaction and emotional well-being. Let's have a look at some of the benefits they have to offer:

  1. Mental health: Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and improve health overall. The quiet and the natural beauty of these spaces provides a therapeutic environment for relaxation and reflection.
  2. Physical health: Engaging in outdoor activities promotes physical activity and exercise. This can lead to improved cardiovascular health, increased mobility, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
  3. Social connection: Urban gardens serve as gathering places where people from diverse backgrounds come together. This sense of community and social connection enhances feelings of belonging and support.
  4. Stress reduction: Engaging in hands-on activities such as planting and weeding in urban gardens provides a natural outlet for stress relief. The physical act of gardening and being immersed in nature can promote mindfulness and relaxation.

Get involved with urban parks in your city

  1. Plant trees: If you want to get involved in local community initiatives you could try planting trees, which can be a rewarding way to meet new people build relationships, and strengthen community bonds.
  2. Clean up parks: Take the initiative to organize a park clean-up day in collaboration with local residents, businesses, or schools. This can be a rewarding way to contribute to the well-being of your neighborhood and the environment.
  3. Organize community events: By mobilizing community members and resources, you can make a significant impact on improving green spaces.
  4. Join a community garden: Many cities have community garden projects where people can get together to grow fruits, vegetables and flowers. Being part of a community garden provides opportunities for learning about gardening and fosters a sense of community spirit.

Icons by Daniel Bayley and Lucide library