BUGA Federal Urban Garden Show

The essence of an urban garden is being able to integrate nature within an architectural space that is modern yet allows us to feel connected to mother earth which allows the city greenery to take root and thrive.

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In the images you will find one of Heilbronn's Urban Federal Garden show named the Bundesgartenschau (BUGA) with the innovation of the Neckarborgen urban scheme to help promote sustainable urban development. Heilbronn is known for their dedication to a high level of urban, architecture combined with landscape quality. Aside from the BUGA Heilbronn 2019 there are several other urban green spaces that has been a contribution from this city to improve quality of life and having a history of what they call Urban Gardens aka Allotment gardens , a tradition which goes back 150 years all throughout Germany used by 4.5 million people from the current approximate of 1 million urban gardens/ allotment gardens prevalent today. Check out this article for further details Landezine BUGA Heilbronn

Green spaces are vital in urban areas because they can help reshape the environment for example going from a wasteland to a thriving integrated ecosystem embedded into forward urban planning and development. It can help bring together sustainable water systems and rid of carbon footprint if you take the urban greenspaces a step further and turn them into urban green landscapes with housing in cities to help revive urban life which contributes to both mother earth and society. My favorite aspects of them will have to be the fact that there's greenery housed in such a way that it's definitely like an artform of a sort. The types of plants, trees, and flowers alongside the architectural art pieces depending on where you go bring people together to appreciate being in that space and appreciating nature or if it's an urban garden in the backyard of an apartment complex being able to have that accessible to yourself as well as the public is great for the environment and animals as well as people's well being. It's crucial for city life to have them as they are a source of peace and comfort bringing in sightseers that contribute to businesses and the community.