

Cross-stitch is a form of counted embroidery that uses x-shaped stitches to create a design, making it the easiest form of embroidery to learn. Cross-stitch follows a tiled pattern, making it almost a forebearer to the digital pixel. Because it’s comprised of mostly X-shaped stitches, the overall design usually appears geometric and boxy. Compared with needlepoint, which uses many multiple shapes and sizes of stitches, cross-stitch can seem more sophisticated and simple, but it can absolutely be used to create intricate, beautiful designs.




The best things in life are handmade.

Why cross-stitching?

Cross stitching is a fantastic mindfulness activity

Mindfulness is a type of meditation that requires you to focus on the here and now without thinking about it too much.

You can stitch almost any pattern or theme

One of the things I love most about cross stitching is that there are so many existing designs and patterns out there for almost any theme.

Cross stitch is also stress relieving

There have been tons of studies about how mindfulness and meditation can calm you down and act as a stress reliever. So if cross stitching is a great mindfulness activity then it’s no surprise that I’d also describe it as a stress reliever too.