Create your own project!

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Pottery and Art-Deco!

Art may be used as an healing teraphy! We can try to create something without a previous intention or conception in mind. If we use any technique as f. e. an air-drying modeling material and spontainously get into the "flow-state" letting our hands play freely, we would be surprised what can actually come out. This type of unintentional creation can be seen as channeling of the spirit. It can help us to better understand ourself, our emotions, current state of mind, our thinking patterns, shadows, unhealed past traumas, or passions.

Portraits & Drawings!

The Drawing or painting are the oldest forms of human communication. What is special about drawing a portrait in pencil? Everyone can learn it and improve with the time. It can be that we have started with portraiting for certain reson. In my eyes, such portrait is just a great hand-made present for people we love or find very special. While drawing auto-portrait we can learn more about ourselves and also deepen our self-love. The self-impression is still changing in the matter of time, not only from the agying perspective, but mainly trough our current souls and energetic perception. The auto-portraiting techninqe can help us see and understand our soul in the more conscious way.

DIY & Projects!

Physical work can be used as powerful mental-healing technique. This is the main reason why, it is so important activly support the work inclusion of menthl and physical disable people. We all need to feel usefull and capable! From my personal experience, the active manual skill can be gained easily in our childhood. That is why, it is very important especially for all women learning some basic handcraft skills from their fathers1 The assembling, reconstruction, and DIY-skills can empower eveyone to feel more self-reliant and confident no matter gender or age! You can be small, yet helping create big things! It can be dog / bird house, banch, small gate, or stairs from bricks!

Crafting with Kids!

Get the children bussy is not an easy task! Yet get the child to explore its own creativity is very important as it supports development of tactile abilities, fine motor skills, and develops spatial imagination. Crafting with kids boosts their futher creative-thinking, and esthetic-feeling. It supports feeling of authenticity and uniqueness. We can start with the paper, yet the nature can provide us with more resources to create great art projects. What about decorating eggs with seeds, pompkins dinos, or candle-stand from the air-drying modeling material? It can even help us adults let our inner child play again! We can connect more easily with any child trough the art then we may reach with words.


We all know the saying: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach! The sweets and backing is the secret passion for many women. We simply like to make the things around us beatiful and unique! The icing, whipped cream, chocolate, marzipan, fondant, etc. are offering us the unlimited tools for our creative expression. We can make our seight and heart jump out of joy! Especcially While creating a personal b-day present out of love for our closest! Every cake is sort of art. The more we focuse on the quality of ingredients, the more we may realize that there is lot of healthy replacements of sugar, flour, fat, or even milk. After baking with more plant-based or raw versions can even our body celebrate with us!

This page was built by Olga Krejcova