Moon Pride - A Quick Retrospect

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Sailor Moon is a Japanese shojo series that began as a manga, written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi. It went from a serialized story in 1991 and blossomed into a worldwide phenomenon that has seen numerous incarnations, from television to the concert stage. A lively story depicting strong female leads battling the forces of evil while struggling in their daily lives, it touched many fans and became one of the world's best-selling manga series having also generated over $13 billion in merchandising revenue.

I found the series as a girl in middle school, a time where one tries to find their own sense of self and their place in the world. I latched onto the beautiful artwork, but was even more interested in the element of female friendship, something that always seemed unattainable. Strong female leads always attracted me but the added message of love conquering all made it all the more unique. Now as an adult, the series still holds a special place in my heart and always will. It's why I made Sailor Moon the focus of this simple project. For added nostalgia I styled it in a way reminiscent of an old Geocities website that so many web surfers my age played with to express our fandoms. Ironic that so long ago I was dabbling in web design and didn't even know it. Look at me now!


Coded by Ashley Gibbs.