We Love Croatian Sheepdogs!

Introducing one of the best dog breeds to Britain

Croatian Sheepdog on hillside

The Croatian Sheepdog is a loyal, hard-working, and adaptable breed. It’s exclusively bred in its native Croatia, where it’s been working as a farm dog for hundreds of years. The Croatian Sheepdog has a natural instinct for herding livestock, but can also double up as a watchdog when needed. This dog is intelligent, level-headed, and very easy to train. Physically impressive, the Croatian Sheepdog is a natural athlete that combines strength, stamina, and agility.

Find out more about the Croatian Sheepdog

If you love the Croatian Sheepdog as much as we do, please subscribe to our mailing list for advise on how to help rescue, foster or even adopt a beautiful Croatian Sheepdog, as well as dog care tips and success stories πŸ•πŸ˜Š