My Cat
Snickers 👼

💜 My beautiful tortishell cat, my best friend 💜

Snickers in a cat loaf looking at camera

Some say when you rescue an animal, sometimes that animal rescues you. That was Snickers for me.
Snickers was a very sweet and beautiful girl that had passed on too soon. Snickers was a cat that was originally a stray. My family took her in when she was about the age of 1. At that time she was pregnant, but sadly miscarried her kittens.

After we got her fixed, the plan was originally release her back and have her be an outdoor cat. But she was attached to me, like I was attached to her. She would not leave my side.

Through many difficult life changes, constantly moving, graduating from high school, moving into a dorm, then trying to find a place to live, she was always there. She was my best friend.

As many things do, life continued. She grew older, we adopted a couple other cats and my husband and I found a home. Snickers would act like her usual loving self. But we had noticed that there was some swelling in the top of her right gum. We took her to the vet, and at first they thought it was an infection from the tooth. Sadly, after the biopsy, it was cancer. A cancer called Squarmous Cell Carcinoma. (SCC)

We attempted many treatments, chemo therapy, different medications, but unfortunately the cancer grew too strong. She was diagnosed in March and passed away October 8th, 2021.

While my story has a sad ending, I want to use this opprotunity to bring awareness to SCC. Below I have a resource as well as a button to contact a vet regarding your beloved pet.

Here are some signs to look out for with SCC.

For more information regarding Squarous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Coded by Brittany Jumper 👩‍💻