Harry Potter and the...

A Great Story Series for Everyone

Harry Potter, starts as a young boy with a tragic past who grows into a man who is a hero. The wizarding world is a backdrop, his magic powers only a tool. At the core, his story is of growing up and learning to make the right choices, not the easy ones. Its about finding hope when all seems hopeless. It's not only standing up to bullies, but finding compassion for them, even forgiving them. No one is perfect. Everyone is complex. Life is not easy, but there is always hope.

His story has been shared internationaly. Conversations on the many themes and theories are ongoing. The wizarding world is a rich, complex, fantastic world to explore. It started with books, which became films, which extened to parks, parties, and gatherings. The Harry Potter fandom is a community of people from all ages and walks of life, in person and online.

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