Dungeons & Dragons

The Worlds Greatest RPG


Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a tabletop RRG that is based on playing in an epic fantasy setting and is generally played with a group of 4-8 people. These people include players that play one character which is a player character (PC) as well as a Dungeon Master/Game Master (DM/GM) who makes and plays everyone else in the world. The goal of this activity is to have everyone come together in a group and enjoy themselves. The adventures can last from one session to many years. The sessions can range any amount of time. These sessions can also be run in a variety of ways from in person to online and even over text via play by post. While the name of the game is Dungeons & Dragons the game does not need to have either of those elements however by the end


Dungeons and Dragons has gone through a few editions that change how the game is played between them the most common edition found at tables is the games 5th Edition (5e) which is the games curent edition. Which there are many books however the core books are the Players Handbook (PHB), the Monster Manual, and the Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG). These books are not needed to start playing as there are free reasourses available.

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Coded by Britt Garcia-Kindl