Kickboxing for your health!

Kickboxing packs more than a one-two punch for your health—it is more like a 4-6-10 combo. Like most workouts, you'll break a major sweat while you jab, cross, and kick—but the benefits of this form of fitness go well beyond strength and cardio (though those top the list). While there has not been any super-recent science analyzing the pay-offs of your punching, one study from 2014 did find that kickboxing improved upper-body and aerobic power, anaerobic fitness, flexibility, speed, and agility. In other words, you hit every aspect of physical training. While kickboxing can be intimidating—it may conjure up images of dudes knocking each other out—dont let that turn you off. Once people try it, they get excited. Getting hand wraps, talking about the benefits, and learning the jab, cross, and uppercut technique gives people confidence. There is mental and physical benefits to boxing, but it is also easy to do regularly, because it is such fun. While doing kickboxing, your brain learns to act quick as it responds to punches, masters sharp reflexes, and memorizes combos. It is all about what is happening behind your eyes and between your ears, The stronger you are on the inside, the better you will be able to perform on the outside. It is a major stress reliever. There is a physical element of fighting back against things that weigh you down in life. A lot of people feel empowered when kickboxing and use it as their therapy, and if that is not a health benefit then i dont know what is!

Check out this at home Kickboxing video for beginners!

Coded by Eboni Conway