Black Cats are Good Luck

All cats are purrr love

Nyusya PinoNoir

Nyusya used to be the Queen of Kyiv, but due to the war in Ukraine she hepled her Moms to pack the suitcases and traveled to Portugal to start new life. She helped a lot of people during this trip, she was a mental support for all kids at the borders and the biggest treasure for her family. Now she is official EU citizen with new name in passport - Pino Noir, yes without "t" at the end. But she was lucky. A lot of people left their homes, leaving pets behind with no chance to be loved ever again. But brave volunteers at ZooPatrul saved them, and now a lot of abandoned flufies are ready to find new families and give them as much love as they can and even more. Make your life better, adopt Ukrainian cat.

Visit Instagram of the saved Cats