Adopt a plant.
Get yourself a green friend today!

Rescue a potted plant. Join a community of people who are trying to give their plant a second life ✨

The impact of greenery

Greenery can contribute to reducing the amount of noise pollution experienced by residents. Greenery in our living environment benefits more than just our health and well-being. It also facilitates water management and promotes biodiversity in built-up areas, and can help reduce the effects of noise pollution.

How to adopt a plant?

Our service is free. There is no charge for giving, posting or receiving. If a our member sees a plant they want, they contact the owner directly through our website and make arrangements to pick up or dig up the plant. If they dig it up, they fill the hole as best they can and leave things tidy.

How to give away a plant?

If you are interested in donating unwanted plants, this page is a perfect place for you. Create a member account and set your profile up. Since the adoption of the plant takes place face to face, it's important you choose your location. Take a picture of your plant and upload it on the server. Mention the name of it, age, condition and other details that might be helpful for the future "parent". As soon as you post it every member can see it and now you just wait!

How to take care of my new plant?

Here are our best tips to keep houseplants alive. Choose the Correct Pot. Drainage is extremely important for your plant. Use Good Potting Soil. Watering: Not Too Much and Not Too Little. Give Them Plenty of Light. Keep Your Pet Away. Learn About Your Plant and what it needs specifically. Keep an Eye on the Temperature. In most cases you should ask the prevoius owner what he did to take care of the plant.

What are you looking for?

potted plants
garden plants

We were rescued and now we bloom! (gallery)

Coded by Beata Dluzniewska