I Love Spreading Migraine Awareness

Migraine Warrior Strong!

Migraine Awareness

Migraine is a chronic neurological disease with a strong genetic component. It is in some ways similar to epilepsy. The most common symptom is the migraine headache, though not all migraneurs (migraine sufferers) experience headaches. Migraine headaches are not regular headaches. They are often severe and may cause pain only on one side of the head. Neck and facial pain are also common. Migraine headaches may be accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light or sound, visual disturbances, extreme tiredness, and other symptoms. According to the World Health Organization, 18% of U.S. women and 7% of U.S. men, or about 37 million people in the U.S. suffer from migraine. Migraine strikes at any age, but tends to peak in one’s 30s and 40s.

Learn more on WebMD