My life with dance!!!

Image with colourful people dancing all type of dances.

Here comes the beginning! ~First step of my journey with dancing. 📏

My journey with dancing started with traditional Polish dances, so it started in Poland. I have been 3 years old. I started because of my mother and I am really glad that she inspired me to do this because I love it!!!

Second step of my journey with dancing. ðŸĨˆ

It started when I was 7 years old. My group of Polish traditional dances fell apart 😞. I thought that time that it is just the end of everything 😅. Yeah... I know... child's thinking 😋 but it made me even stronger because then I joined the hip-hop group. After some years instructor of my group started adding funky, jazz and ballet moves, so at this point I know already

Third step with dancing. ðŸē

My third step with dancing started when I was 18 years old. I have been on the camp with cha cha, rumba, waltz, tango (with this dance I was continueing for about half a year, I was joining classes after the camp) and polka (but this type of dance I already knew from the early beginnings of my journey).

In the middle of dancing tango I took also some classes of bachata. It is... importartant , if you continue with reading it you will see why. ðŸĪŠ

Fourth step with dancing. 🧘‍♂ïļ

My 4th step of dancing started a while after moving to Wroclaw from my small town. I stated to dance bachata again and I've begun also dancing the new style of dancing. It was zouk. Zouk is amazing 😃. I like it so much because for me it is combination of ballet, jazz and bachata. It has everything what I love in dances with partners: a lot of connection between the partners, most of the time soft moves as ballet and some of moves are fast as in jazz.

I promise it is the last part! ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢ

I am living right now in the Netherlands. I had 2 years break from dancing. Everybody can imagine why... 👅 I have a hint for u! Everybody had a gap in their lives. This break was not because we wanted it. Ok... It is the end of the hint. 😁 Going back to the subject 😜 After going back to dancing in June last year I am continuing with bachata. It is so much fun! I am training often with my boyfriend. He is dancing Bachata really well and also a bit of salsa so during the parties we are also dancing some salsa together 😊.

My life is built on dancing. I am doing it for almost whole of my life. So after this a little bit of experience with dancing I can tel you that dancing is so much fun! You can meet so many people, get so much knowlage about life, learn how to do new stuff all over and over again. I definitely recommend dancing for everybody. Everybody can dance! Maybe u can trust my experience: I started when I was young and I am meeting so many old people who are dancing during practices and parties. Dance helped me survive so much. When you dance you can express so much! ðŸ˜ŧ Ok... you can tell that beginnings are really hard. Yes! defennetly they are!!! I can tell u for sure, but after so many beginnings I can tell you also that it is SO MUCH worth it !

The Endo!

Thank u for reading and enjoy dancing!

**💃 footnote from author: for more information about dance go here:


***💟 footnote from author: if u have any questions You can find me on Instagram:
