Boston Terriers are the Best Dogs!

A Playful, Loving, and Silly Companion

Nicknamed The American Gentleman, Boston Terriers are bright and bouncy dogs, known for their boundless energy and loving attitudes. While compact in size, Bostons more than make up for it with their giant personalities. You will never feel more love than you do when your Boston Terrier greets you at the end of each day.

Though they are lively and energetic, Bostons are notoriously stinky, with their tiny toots known to clear entire rooms. They are also prodigious snorers, making sounds that are much larger than their small bodies would ever suggest they're able to make.

If their smells and sounds amuse, rather than repel, you there is no better companion than the loving monster that is a 💙 Boston Terrier 💙

Click here for more information on Boston Terriers

Coded by Kati Aubin