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making the world a happier place, one tail wag at a time
A pair of rescue dogs co-star in this wild adventure. After a cross-country move, Jedi and Valkyrie build a life for their family, with many laughs and misadventures along the way.
Streaming 2023

Meet the Cast


Age: 6 years

Hobbies: fetch, hide-and-seek, making new friends

Favorite Food: whatever you're having

Jedi is a Pawleton instructor who loves sports and exercise. She has a big personality and a lot of love to give. At home, you can find Jedi searching for her favorite toys, watching over the neighborhood from her favorite perch, or curled up on her bean bag in unicorn-print pajamas. Her perfect date includes playing frisbee or tag in a shady spot at the park.

Dog with big ears
Happy dog sitting on chair


Age: 4 years

Hobbies: snuggling, sunbathing, snoozing

Favorite Food: pizza

Valkyrie is an Executive Protection Professional by trade and diligently guards local celebrities. She is not afraid to say how she feels or tell people what she thinks, but she's an introverted family-gal at heart. She dreams of endless cozy days snuggled up against her favorite humans, sharing pizza crusts and maybe even going for a car ride for a Puppachino.

Adopt Don't Shop

Before joining the cast of The Tree House, Jedi and Valkyrie were just two puppies in an animal shelter.

If you're looking to add a pet to your family, please consider rescuing from a local shelter. There are millions of animals in shelters across the country waiting to find their forever home!

Website coded with ❤ by Amanda S.