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Batch Cooking

Batch Cooking, what is it?

Batch Cooking consists of programming and preparing, on weekends, the basic ingredients for all your dinners for the week. In addition, no waste! You buy only what you need and cook seasonal products from A to Z.

Each week, follow the below 4 steps to best organisze your batch cooking sessions:

  1. Meal of the week

    Each week, find a meal with 5 different recipes and 2 desserts in bonus. All recipes are establised for 4 people but easily adapable for more!

  2. Shopping list

    Buy the products during the weekends, and when possible, on Sunday at the fresh market. Lists are prepared by categories (e.g. vegetable/fruits, meat/poultry/fish, fresh products, spices/condiments, etc.)

  3. Preparation of the batches (weekends)

    You will cook 2h every weekend each batch that will compose your daily menu. The preparation are then stored in the fridge or the freezer.

  4. Realization of the recipes (week days)

    Each evening, follow the instructions, which will explain how to use the batches and how to complete the recipes.

Conservation advise

You should only use fresh products. Please check below time conservation examples:

Hygiene rules

Let the batches cool and place them in the refrigerator. Observe the defrosting rules: do not allow a batch to thaw at room temperature and never refreeze a batch!

Necessary equipment

Preparing in advance requires materials. You should invest in a batch of airtight boxes. Prefer glass boxes rather than plastic, for both ecological and health reasons. The glass goes in the microwave and the traditional oven and does not stain.

Basic utensils

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