Digital drawing

And why I like it

Drawing of lighthouse

With the technology growth, people received almost endless possibilities of how they can show their creativity in new ways using tools they've never used before. In the last few decades engineers and artists invented a lot of different tools which can be used for creating art pieces. The most powerful of course are Adobe programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop used mostly on laptops as well as Procreate or Autodesk Sketchbook for Ipad. It's amazing what you can do having only a laptop/tablet and some free time. As for me I mostly like Procreate as it's very simple and at the same time very powerful. You can draw from any place in the world without taking tons of paints and paper with you and without having a comfortable desk.

But of course, the most important part of it is not about the technology but the way you can show your thoughts and relax through drawing. It's a very meditative process of creating a story or just a memory postcard. It's about those moments when you have your space alone with yourself and you can imagine anything you want on your paper or tablet. I believe drawing can help everyone to get their inner peace and understand themselves in a better way. ❤️

Learn more about digital drawing or check out Digital Art Museum for more inspiration!

Coded by Anna Polhorodnyk