You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis

☽ Tea Rituals for Modern Witches ☾

Living in the moment, where life is happening, centers our awareness on the here and now and makes us happier. Despite having a busy life or schedule, it is important to know how to be truly present.
Today you are invited to adopt a ritual that connects you to “right now.”


Don’t have a ritual? The nice thing is anything can be a ritual — chopping veggies for soup, folding laundry, getting up in the morning, taking bath, combing hair, walking in the park — the list is endless. The difference between a daily ritual and a routine is how you think about it. It’s how you perceive your actions. Are they mundane chores that just need to be completed, or are they actions that bring meaning, learning or joy into your life? What if we saw all of life as a sacred ceremony? What if we trained our eyes to see the opportunity for ritual at any given moment? Our favorite ritual at any season is drinking herbal tea because it is not only good for health, but the soul, too. There are many health benefits that come along with drinking herbal tea.
Here’s a morning herbal tea ritual for inspiration:

✨☽ try more tea witchcraft here...☾ ✨

crafted by Anastasia Voronkova