Did you know that reading can enrich your life in many diffrent ways?
Here are some reasons why you should take a break and suggle up with a
Researchers have discovered that people who read books regularly,
gradually develop large vocabularies and increased reading speed.
Vocabulary size can influence many areas of your academic,
professonal, and personal life.
People who read literary fiction that explore the inner lives of
characters presented the ability to understand people emotions and
personal beliefs better than someone who is a non-reader. Scientists
call this the “theory of the mind” which plays an important role
building and maintaining social relationships with others.
Scientists discovered while doing MRI scans of participants who
actively read that reading involves a complex network of circuits and
signals in the brain. As your reading ability matures, those networks
also get stronger and more sophisticated.These network of circuits
that form in the brain is equivalent to exercising our brain. When we
exercise our brain it becomes stronger and paves the way to help us
gain other benefits such as retention, concentration, creativity and
lower risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's.
Looking for a new book to read? Check out my recommendations on Amazon!