Product Marketing

Food for thought

About the writer

🧩 I love building something from nothing and telling the story that gets people to pay attention.
🎲 I’ve been a marketer for almost a decade, both in New York and Tel Aviv.
πŸ“šMy Areas of expertise include designing a go-to-market strategy, sales enablement,
customer education, SaaS & startup marketing, product positioning, competitive intelligence and launch campaigns.
🎳 My day to day tech stack includes a variety of marketing, customer success, sales and product software platforms:
HubSpot, Salesforce, Intercom, Totango, Looker, Skilljar, Wistia, Zendesk, Gainsight, Fullstory.
🎸 When not marketing, I sing with my rock band, Mentor senior year marketing students, and practice yoga (not all at once).

This page was built by Tom Shelly