Watercolour Paintings

Watercolour Hummingbird Watercolour Skull Wateercolour Horse

🎨 Watercolour

Watercolour is an enjoyable hobby that many people take up with the intention of painting lovely artwork. To do so, you first need to know which artistic traits are most important when painting with watercolours.

A good watercolour painting embodies vibrant colours, luminosity, and translucency. A watercolour artist must master these three important traits in order to create beautiful watercolour paintings that are better than average.

So keep reading to discover the best practices and strategies that will help you improve the quality of your watercolour paintings.

Read more on Wikipedia.

πŸ–Œ Basic Techniques

Read more Watercolour Techniques.

Salt Dry Brush Lifting Spay & Paint Plastic Wrap V1 Plastic Wrap V2 Alcohol Wet-on-Wet Paint & Spay

10 Fun Watercolour Techniques.

⌈ Quotes βŒ‹

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What makes a good artist?

Good artists turn that energy into something beautiful. They use it to fuel their creativity and make work that resonates with others. Anyone can be an artist, but you can recognize a great artist by how their work makes others feel. Art at its core should make you feel something.

This webpage is created by Nicole Kwiring