(and sometimes tea)

"Coffee or tea??". It's a frequently asked question in kitchens all over the world, I think. For me, the answer is usually always coffee.
Coffee is a delicious drink, drank by millions of people worldwide. It is described as bitter, sour, fruity, acidic, hearty, chocolatey, winey, flowery, nutty, caramelly, dirty, and even horsey. In Japan, it is estimated that 48 billion cups of coffee are consumed each year! That is approximately 458 cups of coffee per adult per year! Do you want to make some 'weird' coffee? Visit the site of James Hoffman, World Barista Champion for some weird coffee recipes.

Weird coffee? Yes please!

Today, let us find the answer to an important question:

are you Team Coffee or Team Tea?

Coded by Rachel Stivicic
Email: [email protected] Instagram: @rachelandrahcel