Plant Medicine: Sacred CACAO

cacao ritual circle

🤍 Pure Cacao drink is a sacred plant medicine and has been used for thousands of years in Mayan and Aztec civilisations. The scientific name for Cacao is "Theobrama" which means "Food of the Gods". It is believed that Cacao was sent from the Heavens as a gift to humankind.
Most Cacao (cocoa) nowadays is heavily processed and roasted in a ways where it loses its health and spiritual benefits. On the contrary, high quality pure Cacao is considered "ceremonial" because it is grown and cultivated with pure intensions and is believed to have a Spirit. It is prepared in the traditional way so that the Spirit is still present within the plant and retains all the essential ingredients for healing of the human body. A Cacao ceremony is a declaration, which involves creating a sacred environment, setting an intention, and allowing an energetic process to unfold around that intention. Setting an intention is the most important part of the Cacao ceremony preparation. To identify our intentions, we ask ourselves these questions:
What do I want to attract? What do I want to release? What am I grateful for?

Sometimes the intention can be as general as "open my heart to feel what it needs to feel". Other times the intention can be catered towards a specific goal such as expressing your Soul or healing a past trauma. If your intention is inner processing, you may find that you want to meditate, journal, or simply contemplate the clouds passing over... If your intention is self-expression, you may want to sing, dance or maybe just cry in peace and let go the past... There is no right or wrong way to access your Soul. Allow the energy of Cacao and your intuition to take you where you need to go. The key is listening to yourself and Cacao allows you to achieve just that. 🤍

Watch beautiful ladies having a ceremony on [YouTube]

Have a look at [Wikipedia page]

two pair of hands holding cups of cacao

coded by Pauline, powered by Love