Praying Wives

Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.”

Praying wives

Are you a wife who’s still cares for her Family? Standing for your marriage? Need the reminder God loves you? Every one of us faces a battle in our marriage. We have an enemy who wants nothing more than to see our marriages fail. But Jesus is there to fight for you every step of the way. when you invite Him to your family through your prayers. He gives you the wisdom, that you need to overcome your adversaries and weaknesses.

string of rings
What keeps us together as a Family is not the wedding band, but the word of God. The String that holds our marriages and families together is the lord. Our vows help us as humans, but only prayers can sustain us and give us the grace to keeps those vows. The bible says; by strength shall no man prevail.

Benefits of Praying for your home.

There are so many powerful women in the Bible, such as Mary, Rachel, Rebecca, Esther, Deborah and Ruth , who demonstrate what it means to be a strong leader, wise mother, and faithful individual. Their stories are full of bravery, resilience, and selflessness, and continue to inspire women and girls who follow the Christian faith. Bible verses about women and girls exist throughout the sacred text, reminding wpmen of their immense strength, wisdom, and spiritual duty.
Sample Prayer Points