
Let's learn about the Millennium Falcon

Milllennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon, original designation YT 492727ZED and formerly known as the Stellar Envoy, was a Corellian YT-1300f light freighter most famously used by Han Solo and Chewbacca, during the Galactic Civil War. An extensively modified Corellian light freighter, the Millennium Falcon is a legend in smuggler circles and is coveted by many for being the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. Despite her humble origins and shabby exterior, the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs has played a role in some of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic's most significant victories. The Falcon looks like a worn-out junker, but beneath her hull, she’s full of surprises. A succession of owners, including Lando Calrissian and Han Solo, have made special modifications that boosted the freighter’s speed, shielding, and firepower to impressive – and downright illegal – levels. The price of such tinkering? The Falcon can be unpredictable, with her hyperdrive, particularly balky. Despite her flaws, she’s beloved by her owners – Han Solo and Chewbacca spent years searching the galaxy for the ship they once called home, rejoicing when they finally reclaimed her.

Length: 114' (34.75 m)
Height: 7.8 meters (26 ft)
Crew: Co-pilot (1), Gunners (2), Pilot (1)

Inside the Millennium Falcon

inside inside2

The ship's interior was remodeled with no less care than its exterior, turned into a showcase for Lando's suave, sophisticated lifestyle as a "sportsman." Lando could entertain in its comfortable lounge or offer more private tours of his stateroom, complete with an ample wardrobe. The Falcon had long served Han and Chewie not just as transportation but also as home. On the journey to Alderaan, Chewie played holo-chess with Luke's droids, using his fearsome reputation to his advantage, while Obi-Wan used a training remote and a helmet borrowed from Han to begin Luke's instruction in the ways of the Force.

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