Improve Digestion And Overall Health Using This Super Simple Way Of
Food combining is an approach to eating that works on the premise that our
bodies can only digest one concentrated food at a time. Concentrated foods
are defined as starches and proteins, or to simplify it, any foods other
than fruits and vegetables. The food combining idea is based on the theory
that the digestion of starches (grains, potatoes, and many other roots)
requires alkaline conditions, whereas the enzymes that digest proteins
thrive in an acidic environment. So, if we eat a starch and a protein
together, we’re asking our digestive systems to be alkaline and acidic at
the same time. Unfortunately, many of the typical Western food
combinations ask the body to do just that. Proponents of the plan say that
if you follow the rules of combining foods in this way, your body gets rid
of toxins easier, your metabolic rate is increased, and your body stores
less fat. Furthermore, Food Combining is a simple way to counteract
digestive problems and excess weight without actually excluding any foods
(other than highly processed ones or simple sugars).
There are only a few cardinal rules of food combining, viz;
Never combine starchy foods and proteins at the same meal.
You can only combine starchy foods or proteins with so-called neutral
foods (please see chart below).
Fruits should always be consumed separately (before or well after other
In summary, the rules of food combining is that eating from only one food
group per meal is ideal for optimal digestion.
Any combination allowed should be in accordance with the chart below.
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