I love felting

Needle wool felting


What is Felting?
Basically, it is the process of turning a protein fiber (meaning animal fiber) such as sheep wool, alpaca, mohair, yak, etc. into a piece of fabric by connecting the individual fibers. The wool can be in any form from raw locks to processed roving or batts and there are several different methods of accomplishing this felting process.

There are two types of felting:
- Wet or nuno felting
- Dry or needle felting

Let's talk about dry or needle felting. What is dry felting or needle felting? Needle felting is a craft artwork created by using a needle and wool fibers. This involves using special barbed needles to basically tangle the individual fibers together until they form a matted piece of fabric. The continued process of poking the barbed needle in and out of the wool, pushes the fibers up and down thereby interlocking them.
With needle felting you may change wool into realistic looking animals, food and many other things.

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Coded by Wool-lover