
What you should know before you start

Snowboarding girl

The right gear

Before starting your snowboarding adventure make sure you have the right gear, clothes and board. No worries, you do not have to buy everything immedietaly, there are many places that will be happy to rent it to you. Also do not worry if you do not know a thing about snowboarding. In the renting place they will be happy to support you. Some great gear available here.


When I first tried snowboarding I assumed I could do it on my own. Do not make that mistake. The first lesson should always be with an instructor. He/she can teach you the basics, show you how to fall and get up, how to use the lift and also will give you some tips. Of course the lessons are not free, but you will definitely not regret this.


Prepare yourself for some hard work. The first hours on the board can be difficult, but once you are able to go down the slope and feel the wind on your face you will feel rewarded. Be optimistic and do not give up. All great things take time to come.

Have fun and good luck!

Coded by Angelika Czerwińska