I love running

"Run if you can, walk if you must, crawl if you have to,
but never give up"

Running taught me stamina, discipline, and most importantly, to never give up. A long time ago, I couldn't run even one kilometer without shortness of breath. I didn't like this feeling of being out of breath. But I forced myself to go out for a run and run as long as I could. And over time, gradually, I was able to run 2/3/5/7 kilometers. I'll be honest, I don't like running - I like winning! And I got so used to disciplined running that it became a habit, it became a part of me. And even when I'm in a bad mood or I don't want to go for a run, I just want to lie down and watch a movie, I still get up and go for a run, because I can't do it any other way. This stubbornness has led me to take part in half marathons (21-kilometer run). I draw a parallel for myself with the study of IT.... everything starts small... With a thought, a desire, the first step, the first meters and the first breaths, but with time you get stronger and you can do more. Never give up, everything will work out, all in good time! And remember, before you drop your hands and despair remember this phrase: "The pain of discipline weighs grams, while the pain of regret weighs tons."

Learn more about how to start running

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