Top Animal Facts

Facts are fun.
Animals are awesome.
Here are some animal facts for you.



When Giraffes were first introduced to the English-speaking world, they were thought to be related to Camels & Leopards, so they were given the name Camelopard in addition to the name we know today. The name Camelopard has now fallen into disuse. Source: Name Explain - Youtube


Sloth lying in tree

Sloths possess a symbiotic relationship with the algae that grows on their fur. While the sloth provides the algae with shelter and water (as sloth fur is highly absorbent), the algae provide the sloth with camouflage as well as extra nutrients through their skin. Source: World Animal Protection


Red Seahorse

Seahorses are monogamous and mate for life, with the male bearing the unborn young. The male seahorse carries the eggs in his pouch until they hatch, then releases fully formed, miniature seahorses into the water. As little as 5 or as many as 1,500 young can be born. Seahorses engage in an eight hour courtship dance which includes spinning around, swimming side by side and changing colours. Source: One Kind Planet

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Coded by Holly Lyford