Ancient Egyptian History

Goddess Bastet

Cats played a significant role in ancient Egyptian spirituality, society and culture. Infact, they were worshipped, deified and mummified as well. Cats were seen as sacred as a sign of luck, fertility and a valuable domesticated cohabitant to control rodents and vermin that would threaten diseases or deplete the crops and food storage in their homes.
It was believed that cats were an incarnation of the goddess Bastet, who was the goddess of protection, pleasure and the bringer of good health.
She had the head of a cat and a slender female body. Bast also represented good luck, fertility, pleasure, mystery, sensuality and protector of women and childbirth.
Bastet was one of the most worshipped deities in Ancient Egyptian mythology and is still seen as the protector of the home. She is often seen as having power over fertility and a guardian against evil.

goddess Bastet
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Created by Mugisha💝