Tiger Trappers by Ivan Bahrianyi

Ukrainian Literary Classic You Must Read

Well, I am passionate about literature, especially Ukrainian. I want to let more people know how fascinating our literature is. This is why I have decided to devote my first project to my favorite Ukrainian novel — "Tiger Trappers".

American literary critic Walter Gavighurst, in his review entitled "A Touching Story of Political Exile" for the New York Herald Tribune of February 10, 1957, described the novel as:

" This eloquent and exciting adventure story is an equally exciting pursuit of political freedom. It is a novel of chivalry and valor, unexpected wild themes in our grubby fiction. "

Tiger Trappers (Ukrainian: Тигролови, also translated as The Hunters and the Hunted and Tiger Catchers) is an adventure novel with the autobiographical elements from Ivan Bagriany life, written and published in 1944 as "Animal Catchers" in the Evening Hour magazine in Lviv.

The work is based on autobiographical events: the expulsion of Bagrianiy to the Far East, in the Gulag. Having escaped from the NKVS milestone that transported Gulag prisoner sentenced to death to Siberia. Bagraniy has lived in Taiga for almost two years. And his character, Grygory Mnohohrishnyy, has absorbed many of the author's character traits

Separate editions of the novel were published abroad in 1946 (Neu-Ulm) in 1955 (Detroit), 1970 (New York) (abbreviated version), 1991 (Detroit). The novel has also been translated and published in English (1954), Dutch (1959), German (1961), Russian (1992, abbreviated), and Spanish (2006).

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Source: Blog.Yakaboo (Ukrainian)

Coded by Viktoriia Yashkina