The benefits of house plants

Houseplants are more than just a piece of decor to make your home more Insta-friendly. Plants bring your home to life. Having a piece of nature in your living room is said to have a positive effect on your mental and physical health.

The Monstera Deliciosa, also known as the swiss cheese plant because of it's leaf holes - is an air pruifying plant

A 1989 plant study by a NASA scientist demonstrated that certain plants can actually purify the air from harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde and benzene. According to WebMD, Spider plants can also increase humidity which can be beneficial for those who may have allergies. The great news is that the types of plants which have one or both of these abilities are also super easy to care for and anyone can look after them. These include, but are not limited to: Spider plants, Snake plants, Ferns, Peace lilys and English Ivy.

From left to right: Sansevieria Black Dragon, Peperomia Raindrop, Dieffenbachia Green Magic

For those who are keen herb growers, Mint and Basil not only look cute in kitchen windows and grow fast but they also have the added benefit of calming irritated stomachs and taste great in food or drinks. Studies have also shown that plants have a positive effect on physiologial stressors and anxiety. Nurturing a plant provides a moment of distraction and calm away from everyday stressors. It allows you to shift your focus to nature and can improve low mood. Further research has also found that they can also have positive effect on concentration, memory and productivity. According to a survey by Arboretum, 42% of 2,000 participants said that being around plants improved their mental health. This figure was even higher in London, where more than half (56% admitted plants make them happier). Read more here

By Victoria Libaste