I Love Fencing

Know about fencing and love it too


Fencing is the recreational sport of swordplay that can be enjoyed by people of any age, and offers a multitude of benefits. Fencing is both a physical and a mental workout, in which fencers learn to hone their strategies against opponents of varying skill levels, and build up physical endurance, agility, and accuracy.

The object of fencing is to score a point or touch by hitting your opponent’s target with your weapon before they get the scoring touch on you, but the rules, strategies, and target areas differ with each weapon to make the games distinct. Confidence and sportsmanship are gained through participation in fencing and extend throughout other areas of life. You can begin fencing as a youth or an adult – for fun, for fitness, or to train to compete. Best of all are the friends you will make.
The three weapons of fencing are:

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