In 3018 T.A, four Hobbits, two Men, one Elf, one Dwarf and a Wizard form the Fellowship of the Ring; a legendary alliance to save Middle Earth. They take on the daunting task to cast the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom. The group meets wildly vicious and powerful adversaries on their perilous journey and must defeat them to complete their mission.

The Scourge of Middle Earth


"You cannot hide. I see you."

The second Dark Lord of Midde Earth, who forged the One Ring with part of his soul. His goal is to reclaim the One Ring and rule over all of Arda in darkness.

Species: maia, ainur

Powers: superhuman strength, master of dark magic, world manipulation, master of deception and shapeshifting


"So you have chosen ... death."

An extremely powerful wizard and leader of the Istari, who commands Isengard and breeds the destructive Uruk-hai. His goal is to supplant Sauron, and destroy the Race of Men.

Species: maia, ainur

Powers: speech, immense magical powers, wizard staff, spell-casting, energy blasts, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, high intelligence, manipulation


"My precious."

A former Hobbit who is corrupted and transformed into a slimy and monstrous creature by the One Ring. His goal is to kill anyone who stands in the way between him and the Ring.

Species: hobbit

Powers: trickery, high intelligence, combat prowess, manipulation, vast knowledge of the paths to mordor, agility, fishing


"This foe is beyond any of you. Run!"

A Balrog of Morgoth made out of flames and shadow, hiding in the mines of Moria. His goal is to kill anyone who disturbs him.

Species: maia, balrog

Powers: supernatural physicality, flames of udun, fiery sword, fiery whip, fear stare


"You fool. No man can kill me. Die now."

As the leader of the Nazgûl, he scours Middle-earth looking for the One Ring. His goal is to help Sauron conquer and rule Middle-earth.

Species: man, wraith

Powers: magic and sorcery, necromancy, swordsmanship, morgul blades, strength, flail, fellbeasts, intimidation


"She only desired death for all others, mind and body."

An ugly beast who guards the second entrance to Mordor. Her goal is to kill and devour the Fellowship.

Species: spider

Powers: crush of death, venomous chelicerae, webs, claws, fangs


"Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!"

An Uruk-hai commander who fatally strangled the pitmaster that oversaw his rise upon birth. His goal is to kill the Fellowship.

Species: orc; uruk-hai

Powers: combat prowess, brute strength, inhuman durability, capacity for suicidal violence


"We cannot get out. The end comes, and then drums, drums in the deep."

A mysterious and horrifying monster with many tentacles who lives in a dark and still lake near the Westgate of Moria. Its goal is to capture the Fellowship.

Species: unknown

Powers: latching onto prey with strong tentacles


"Fear. The city is rank with it! Let us ease their suffering."

Sauron's most trusted and loyal lieutenant, who leads the armies of Morder against Minas Tirith. His goal is to demolish Gondor and serve his Master.

Species: orc

Powers: leadership, brute strength, scimitar

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