
The Three Main Roles in Blizzard's #1 Team-Based Shooter Game

Overwatch is a team-based FPS game that currently features a total of 32 characters, or "heroes". Heroes feature different abilities, but can be separated into three main classes, or "roles", based on their responsibilities and strengths within team strategy. These roles are classified as "tank", "damage", and "support". The current meta allows for two of each role per team (so 6 vs 6 games), but Overwatch 2 plans to reduce this to 5v5 and only allow one tank player on each team.

When picking a role, it is important to consider what you want to focus on and/or your strengths. Below, you can find a list of general strengths and weaknesses for each role. This list is not official and is definitely controversial depending on which players and developers you talk to, but it's a good place for beginners to start. Also, this is not advocating for players to only play one role, but it is wise to start somewhere and expand to multiple roles as the game gets easier.










Given all the information about the roles, it is still recommended to try playing each one to get better at the game.

For more general information about the game of Overwatch, click here.

Website created by Adrienne Bugbee