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Book Your Next Vacation to Sierra Leone

There are a lot of tourist destinations in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone 's Freetown is a favourite destination for tourists. Although the sector was seriously affected during the Civil War; however, there has been a steady improvement in recent years.[262] The city has a lot to offer to tourists. There is a vast expanse of beaches stretching along the Freetown Peninsula. The Lumley-Aberdeen beach stretches all the way from Cape Sierra Leone down to Lumley. There are also other popular beaches like the world renowned River Number 2 Beach, Laka Beach, Tokeh Beach, Bureh Beach, and Mama Beach. The Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, which is located within the peninsula's vast rainforest reserve, just a few kilometres from the centre of Freetown, has a collection of rare and endangered chimpanzees. Other popular destinations for tourists include the Freetown Cotton Tree, located in Central Freetown, a significant national monument and integral to the founding of the city; Bunce Island, which is a boat ride from the city, is home to the ruins of the slave fortress that was being used during the Transatlantic slave trade; the Sierra Leone Museum, which has a collection of both precolonial as well as colonial artifacts and other items of historical significance; the National Railway Museum; or take a journey around the city 's coastline with the popular Sea Coast Express. The Aberdenn-Lumley area is a favourite destination for those venturing into the city's nightlife.

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Coded by: Florence Taylor Oddoye