granny squares granny granny squares GRANNY SQUARES granny squares granny granny squares

Not just for grannies anymore!

These 70's ICONS came back to stay and I couldn't be more exited! Yey!!!🤩
They're super easy and fun to make. You only need a crochet hook, a pair of scissors, and some leftover yarn. The best part: they’re beginner friendly!
While the classic Granny Square is, well... square, some of them aren’t even squares! You can make Granny triangles, circles, rectangles, and even stripes and hexagons. Amazing, right?
And if we take into acount that you can use almost any type of yarn to make them plus the amount of colors available, possibilities are endless!!!✨

Here are some nice tutorials:

Circle Granny Circle Granny Square
Sunburst Granny Square Sunburst Granny Square

Once you've made your beautiful Granny Squares, you can just use them as coasters or decoration.✨
But if you wanna take it to the next level, there's many things you can make with them: blankets, hats, dresses, cardigans, bags, pants, you name it!
I've made a selection of my favorite Granny Square Clothes. Just click the button below. 🌸

Coded by Marianella Acampora